Well,first off, reading novels such as how to kill a mockingbird enhances your reading skills. What does this do? Well, I'm glad you asked. This allows you to pick apart ANY group of words. Is your career going to have reading in it? OF COURSE. Secondly, history is just good to know. They say you learn from your mistakes. If you can understand what's happened in the past in historical events, you can use it to predict soon-to-come events and/or make a smarter move for yourself. Thirdly, the requirements are set because not everyone knows what career they would like to pursue when they're in their sophomore year. That's why there's a curriculum, to get all of your gen ed courses taken care of. General education is an extremely important thing. Now, there is not a huge variety in high school, that is kind of annoying. However, there's a reason why you take classes such as that. Edit: I do agree with your ap calc argument. One's senior year should be the most flexible, while still having a basic general ed structure entwined within it. Having to take ap calc for someone who wants to be a journalist really is not necessary.
It's all just pattern recognition: You analyse something in the book and the teacher gives a good grade in the book? Your brain looks for similar things to find to repeat the result. You write your essay a certain way and the teacher likes it? You're brain programs it to write the next one in the same manner to get the same grade. Is that really teaching anything? It's just showing you what to do, what not to do, and how to get a good result on something.
I honestly thought education at my school worked just fine. Maybe I went to a good school compared to others though
I agree. The school system needs revamping. There's way too much "memorize this, memorize that" day-in, day-out. It needs more diversity to it. The real world is not going to be the same everywhere, plus every student learns in different ways. With the basic structure of "write these notes down and study them" teachers are only helping some of their students reach their potential. Say one student can't memorize everything on a page, but they're excellent at memorizing hands-on tasks. Their potential is ruined. Gone.
Its odd i find myself about to say this, cause i thought my parents were idiots when they said it, but.. Being a kid in high school is way easier and more fun than being an adult. Life only gets more demanding and it doesnt care what excuse you got. Im not saying school is easy, just that you have to realize you are learning how to manage multiple tasks that arent related to eachother. Thats every young persons future. You might not ever use calculus in your day to day life, but why stop challenging a learning mind?
How in the world does my health teacher making us watch a video about Molly make me an idiot? Again which restrictions, I was FORCED to take the class. I didn't have an option. Also for the dude saying being an adult is tougher, yes I realize that it's more demanding but it'll be something I enjoy and WANT to do unlike schools repetitive memorization and "learning." I find school incredibly boring except for two classes which are both electives. Sports entertainment and marketing and digital media. For my sports class I have an awful teacher, but it doesn't matter because I love the subject and actually look forward to going to the class every day. The same is with digital media but I have a teacher who really shows passion for the subject and it's something I thoroughly enjoy. And then there's pre calculus. I feel like math would be less boring if they added real life scenarios that we might see ourselves doing. Yes they do have word problems but that isn't really real life. No boss is going to say "Our client jimmy was flying two kites with a 30° angle in between the kites and one was 230 feet away while the other was 300. Find how far apart our client jimmy's kites were." That's just not fun at all. If they added some fun instead of repetitive equations over and over I think kids would be more enthusiastic about subjects. Instead of making us write essays about every book why not let us have class discussions on how the racism effects the mood of the book (referencing back to tkam). Also frog I'm perfectly fine in my school grade wise. I'm in the top 1/5 of my class and have over a 4 gpa. I'm not an idiot. According to the school I'm super smart because I can answer questions on a standardized test which is a whole different topic all together. I'm just saying that our system is flawed and nobody in the school system realizes how bad it actually is.
Only kids want to be adults. That is until they become adults. You make it sound like you are going to have a career that will never require anything but fun. Idk maybe you will, but thats definitely not the norm. Even the best jobs require some sort of tedious work or an extremely demanding work ethic. But what do i know...
People always say that math has no real life applications and that it is totally useless. Yes. The things you learn will most likely be never used in your life, depending on your future education/career But that doesn't mean it is useless. Math teaches you invaluable problem solving and analytical skills. And I know this might sound lame to you, but as I got older I began to appreciate the art of math more rather than just look for a distinct purpose or application in life. Don't you ever just look at math and just get all tripped out.... Like...... Bro... Math is its whole little world made up of made up rules discovered by random people and it all comes together to form cool stuff. Math is art. Sorry if I sound like a geek.
That's what they teach you, but math itself is much more complex, I would consider it an art. True art comes in the weirdest forms.
I guess I'm one of those few that doesn't hate school as much as everyone else? :lol: Im a Junior and my classes are Chemistry BCA(only because I'm an upper officer in FBLA at my school) A.P english lll DE U.S. History(yes, college history/DE = Dual Enrollment) Band Advanced Math(senior math for my school/it's a mix of trig, pre-calc, algebra 1 and 2, and geometry) Spanish ll School teaches you a lot of things in a lot of different ways. For example, it teaches you social skills. >.< or things you'll need when you get a job in the future. As a senior, i will be taking A.P Biology 2 Accounting(again, because I'm an upper officer in FBLA at my school) DE World History Math 113/231(I think it's 231. It's two different Maths. One per semester) Band English lV Either Physics or Psychology(haven't decided yet) If you try to take everything you can that your school offers, you'll understand what the point of all that was later in life. Sometimes you'll even get once in a lifetime chances. For example, this past summer, I attended FBLA nationals in Chicago under Sales Presentation. Guess what subjects helped me. Math and English. Lots and lots of Math was involved in preparing everything. English because you learn how to speak correctly. You learn sentence structures. Etc. You may not think your using the stuff you are learning, but you really are. But I mean, if you don't want to learn all this stuff, thats on you. P.s. I saw a comment about a school system based on what you want to do it life. I actually live near a system like that. If you prefer science, you'll go to a middle school/high school more science based than any other subject. Same with math/music etc. They are out there, just not everywhere.