
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cow, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. I tought myself how to read using subtitles....
  2. That explains a lot.
  3. Pre calculus is trig
  4. Then don't go to school! :lol:
  5. Kaw needs a rant forum section for real

    OP you prob need to continue to learn all those because you still need general reqs ie; math,science, history, and English for your first 2 years of college.
  6. Can you elaborate and provide proof? I've not heard of an officer shooting an innocent man lately.

    I live in Kansas, the issue isn't the police, Brownback has decided that all the shoe budget cuts are going to be from the education budget.

    Idiots like him ruin the school system.
  7. Ok so I realize I need a basic education like being able to read, write, basic math, etc.
    my point is that schools for one are wayyyy too slow when it comes to change. They are just now realizing giving kids random words nobody uses and they learn only for the SATs probably isn't a great way of testing a kids knowledge. I realize people change their minds but I've had the same dream for the past 4 years as I highly doubt I'll change it now and I know plenty of people who know what they want to do. The journalism thing was just an example, but I'd like to go into sports management. I realize I'll probably need some math but when will I ever need to know the periodic table for being a GM of a team? I'll tell you when. Never. Schools need to work on teaching kids things that will be useful for them in the future instead of giving them long boring problems to do.
  8. I dislike school because math is hard 0.o
  9. 3.5 inch blades was the rules when i was in hs, but since then it is ZERO TOLERANCE policy. (Capitalized because that is how it is communicated to parents)

    When I was in school we didnt have kids murdering each other in class either.
  10. Because students who plan to murder other people at school will make sure they follow the ZERO TOLERANCE policy while they're murdering other kids.


    EDIT: kids have been murdering kids at school since school was school. The whole notion of there being an uptrend in mass shootings is a fabrication of the media. There exists no data that supports such an argument.
  11. Maybe where you live but here you can still have them because it's "unconstitutional." Might as well let kids bring guns to school because it's "unconstitutional" to not let them.
  12. My high school only required 4 math credits overall iirc. What math classes does your school view as a core math class? I took Trig my Junior year and took both Pre-Calc and Calc my senior year. They were hard for me too but that's only because I was a slacker.

    Technically you don't need to learn most of what you do in history classes because you won't need it unless you're going into a history career, but learning your history, no matter what you want to do later in life, will never be a bad thing.

    When I wanted to learn how to cook food, I turned to the Internet. I'd find a recipe, buy the ingredients, and made it until I figured it out. It's not all that hard. And what restrictions?

    Do you think that foreign language classes are bad for someone pursuing a career in journalism?

    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're going to be writing a lot more than 5 essays in college.

    Each major? Does your school not allow you to choose from the classes they offer to guide you towards what you plan to do after HS?

    Carry a briefcase clock around instead.
  13. I'm in first year university, and I can tell you now that cooking, paying bills, etc. can be looked up online. It doesn't take a brain to learn it. Be happy your school is making you take math. If you change your mind later and want to be an engineer, then you can be an engineer, or a computer designer, or a financial person, or a statistician, because those all require math.

    Math is one of the most important skills you can have. You can call an accountant for a crash course on paying taxes or buy a cook book to learn to cook, but math, English, and other things are necessary to society. It's the use of logic to find solutions.

    If you're having trouble in pre-calculus, then just study more. Yes, North American schools suck at educating. But you gotta study for your courses if you want to succeed.
  14. Knives are horrible for protection. They can easily be concealed and it wouldn't be hard to stab someone in a crowded hallway. If everyone carried knives then it would be far more dangerous.

    In Canada we allow some knives because certain religions require that some people carry ceremonious knives. However we have regulations and they need to be sheathed.
  15. There is little doubt that school can be frustrating and at times, pointless. Remember though, that one of the main things that a future employer will take from all of your hard earned pieces of paper that say you graduated high school and college is that you can learn. You can be taught a new skill. You, with your well rounded education (including seemingly useless american literature) may give you a unique perspective on things, or at least a more complete understanding of the world around you.
    If I were an editor of some major journalistic enterprise and had to choose between a candidate that specialized in journalism all through their education and one who knows the basics and has a well rounded education, which one do you suppose I would choose?
    It may seem useless now, but going through the tough, frustrating, and sometimes booooooring process will benifit you in the long run. So suck it up buttercup and get good grades.
  16. Its not always about learning a specific subject. Sometimes its about training your brain to learn in areas you arent used too.

    And most young people really have no idea what they honestly want to do as a career at that time. Many think they do though.

    Id want my child to be well rounded. They may be passionate about a certain career but theres no guarantee they'll have the opportunity to work in that field.

    Thats what college is for. That and keggers.
  17. A good statistic to add to this is that 50% of university students change their field of study within the first year
  18. WTF kind of school do you go to that they allow you to carry a knife ?!?!? That will get you locked up and expelled in California
  19. You're not allowed to bring any kind weapons to the college I go to. FAIL
  20. Ignorance, ignorance everywhere. School is a necessity in life as it teaches you discipline, hard work, and how to plan ahead. Forced courses are done for a reason; so that you are not thrown into the world as idiotic as you came into it. Stop complaining.