Be nice, remember some people are privileged to have things like that, so even something like the Internet might not be accessable to everyone. Though I agree that teachers should be teaching what they do to make a well rounded individual, learning how to file taxes via the Internet is tough and can be a little dangerous. That is one example of something that would be useful if taught in school.
You're not in school to learn about the world or your chosen career. You're in school, so you can learn how your government wants you to behave as a citizen. It's called institutionalization. If kids were free to learn what they wished, there might be too many successful people, and the government can't have that. They gotta slow you down by making you learn stuff you'll never need to know, so you accept a job at Taco Bell or join the military. The country always needs more troops and fast food workers.
High schools are so entrenched in society it's not even funny. Did you know your parents can go to jail if they don't send you to school every day? And we call this a "free" country? And the colleges are so far removed from reality with their curriculum, they're shoving their admission requirements down the throats of high schools who have to comply because they're rated on the number of college admissions they get. And the professors at college only exist to support their own agenda. Most of them don't give a single **** about teaching because they're too busy kissing ass to try and secure research grants, so they can publish more BS research. Common core is a complete waste of time. Most of your education is a complete waste of time, actually. I have a bachelors degree in engineering, and you'd think I'd need calculus. Nope. I haven't done an integral or derivative since I stepped foot off that campus. The whole institution of education in this country needs to be completely re-thought. And people wonder why kids still can't get jobs after HS graduation. It's because kids don't actually gain any useful skills in K-12. What's wrong here - is it the kids who suck or the education system that sucks?
School isn't about learning it's about getting good grades so you can go to college and get good grades and the go to work and have no idea what you're doing.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you. Also frog my parents are perfectly financially safe. I'd actually call us rich, but I'm also not the only one in the school.
I took pre-calc in my junior year. Easily the toughest thing I ever took. Got a D in the class, main reason why I chose not to take AP Calc in my senior year this year. We can choose our math class at my school but has to follow a certain order. Also not taking any science this year too.
Damn. I remember when I was 16 and knew everything too. I hope op gets over their bad case of stickittodemanitis.
Yeah lets allow 14 year olds to choose their career before they have a single hair on tbeir balls. The fact of the matter is you are in high school. You cant just go into it and choose all journalism classes. Not to mention they are helping you by giving you something to fall back on when and if your "career" falls through. Of course you may never use calculus, but you also may never use a pencil, but you should know how to use one. And as for the knife... Why would a kid need a knife in school? Get over dresscodes.
Sorry, dude, but your logic is flawed. First of all, you fail to define efficiency. Efficient at what? The OP thinks learning to make omelettes takes precedent. Is that an efficient education? "Thinking for yourself." is also a meaningless term. A three year old can think for themselves, does that mean he is educated? Without a certain base in Language, math, logical analysis, and historical frameworks thinking is useless. Think you can ignore 200 years of race relations and then solve America's present social crisis? Dream on little noob. Lots of mediocre students trivialize memorization. Why? Because they are lazy and they suck at it. Believe it or not, doing homework and studying for tests give you important skills you will need for the workforce. Tests teach you how to work efficiently under stressful circumstances. What employer doesn't want an employee who can do that? Besides my own Japanese, I am fluent in English and French. I know and write English better than most American college do. I achieved this by getting off and butt and memorizing and using everything I could. Make it fun if you have to. Hell, I've memorized over twenty Hollywood movies. So stop all this whining and get studying you noobs.
I do see your side of the argument. And yes. Many Americans complain too much about memorizing. But I'm not lazy in any way, my life personally is filled with studies and I currently have a 4.0 and am taking all Advanced Placement classes. I agree memorizing can be a way to learn with language for sure, as to learn Spanish I am currently memorizing hundreds of words. HOWEVER I personally, maybe just me, struggle to retain this information past a year. I can memorize effectively for a test and am good at repetitive actions, but I struggle to recall something I have no used in the past month. I can ace every test but I don't actually learn the information. This could be a fault of my own in study methods, although I feel the structure of education I'm presented with in the school system is flawed. While I am aware that every student can't and shouldn't be allowed to only study what they want, the structure that is currently in place is flawed. I think the standardized tests that we have at the end of the rainbow limit teachers ability to help students. If a student is interested in something or needs more help/time in a certian part, it's hard for the teacher to do so with such a strict regime given out by the test makers. I don't have as much life experience as you Frog so I cannot compare that, and I don't have the ability to look back and ponder school since I'm it it. This is just my view on the system of My school. ~SS
If you watch a video that was viral about a year about not going to school, it addresses the issues in the curriculum and some other things. It's called "don't stay in school".
Ah shad-up you have no idea what you will need to use in life, stop finding flaws in your school and just do the work get through it and live a good life
I'm a senior and op is an idiot People change their minds on what they want too do atleast 5 times So what happens when you choose architecture and halfway through you want to be a politician. You get screwed and either spend your life doing nothing or doing a job you despise. History is taught to preserve our knowledge of our ancestors and so we can stop tragic historical things from repeating @ frog, not everyone has a mother who can cook, and not everyone has a mother.
Narwhal, how would you even understand the jumble of random lines on the Internet if school didn't teach you that they are letters that make words that mean something.
Never heard of a school that will let you bring any knife of any length but whatevs. Anyway, the US public school system is flawed. Obviously. Crap teachers, uninteractive teaching methods. It's like they want us to sleep. Yeah. It sucks.
Yeah the United States's is,too busy killing innocent people for "our protection" to bother with education