Rewards should be given out on the basis of performance and effort, not for repeating a saying or for wearing a certain item (especially an item some people may not have (not pjs obviously lol))
a theory in science is as close to the truth as it can be. A theory in common folks is called a hypothesis in science.
For some help with definitions used in science... ... y-and-law/ As you can see, in science a theory is just a level below a 'fact' meaning it MAY be wrong, but no one has proved it, despite many many attempts.
Willy for me at least my school has mad it optional. Sure you have to say the pledge but you are not required to say under god if you don't want to.
^ tell that to a 6 year old. "Daddy, what does "optional" mean?" It's not worth explaining it to a child. They don't care. It's mindless babble coming from an adult. I shouldn't have to explain it. It shouldn't be allowed in a public school. It's insane at this day and age when every year there is a protest somewhere that the Manger Scene at city hall is offensive, Santa Claus is offensive, but my 6 year old has to pledge his allegiance to a country and swear it to an imaginary God - Every. Single. Morning. Sure, I believe the National Anthem and some of our creeds are awesome. Full of Patriotism. I believe in that. I don't believe in God or any made up religion. I fought for this country overseas. I see what people think about us. I am a Patriot. I stand by this country and its freedoms. We have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We don't need to force anything down our children's throats. That's my point.
We don't think the same thing about all of you mate, the few that act like complete idiots reflect badly on the very many fantastic, amazon Americans that there is. If I moved to America would my children have to say the pledge of allegiance? After all, they're british, not American.
At my graduation, the Lord's Prayer was said at the graduation (most of our class was atheist and disagreed, but the grad organizer was super religious) and grace was said at the supper. I think that shouldn't happen at any graduation. I'm there to graduate, not take part in a religion I think is bull. And I live in Canada, one of the most secular English-speaking countries, yet we still had God shoved down our throat at graduation. The separation of church and state is pretty damn straightforward. The state cannot endorse any one religion more than another. It cannot promote or endorse religion. Religion is separate. To have Canadians (or ANYONE) pay taxes so that someone else can tell them that unproven myths created thousands of years ago are true is absurd. If you want your kids to be religious then take them to church. It doesn't belong in school. Science is based on logical reasoning. Religion is based on non-logical reasoning. It based on feelings and assumptions. People didn't create Gods because they ran experiments, made hypotheses, and came to the conclusion, they created them to try to give purpose to life and to give answers to those who asked where all people came from.
Willy, I think I see your hang up. You're objecting to the part if the pledge that says "one nation, UNDER GOD" and are equating that to teaching religion in public schools, correct? I have several points on this 1. Making a bunch of Americans pledge to a flag every week seems very silly to me. 2. The "under God" part of the pledge (which was added in the 1950s under the McCarthy era) is sooooooo vague as to be meaningless. For Christians, God is Jesus, for Muslims, it's Allah, for atheists it could be money. Since the "God" in the pledge is undefined, it's really harmless. That being said, religion should NOT be taught in public schools
To get back to those who don't know what scientific theories are.. Theories are different than a scientific theory. A scientific theory is one which has various sources of evidence, follows correct logical reasoning, and has not yet been experimentally disproven. A scientific theory must also be supported by a significant part of the scientific community. They also concern the laws of nature. There's no religion that is a scientific theory because they've already been disproven in several aspects. However, it is impossible to prove a negative, that is, to prove something does NOT exist, so therefore God cannot be disproven 100%, however unlikely it is that one would exist.
OR... How about schools teach kids not to bully one another? How about they teach kids to be tolerant of other religions? If a kid in school is bullied because of his religion, it is the fault of the bullies, not the victim. I don't see why someone should have to hide their religion (or lack of)
If you don't believe in it then why do you give a crap? Like why are you complaining it has no effect on you. If someone who is organizing it feels he needs to do that than let him. It doesn't negatively affect you in any way.
For all you American patriots, lovers, gays, lesbians, homeless, rich, ETC. The pledge of allegiance says: "one nation under God" It doesn't say, "one nation under man," Think about that next time you want to go get wasted and start preaching.
religion is a relic of human history so in that context it should be taught so people understand the thought process of people in that era. however the world today is totally different and critical thinking is a must we don't explain things with magic and voodoo anymore, it's simply not an option. religion is relevant however the literal meaning is for a bygone era.
It was added in the 50s to show the Russians we are not a godless nation. And the majority of everyone in office being Christian and most the population being Christian it's quite easy to see who it's for.