I got to willy saying the pledge was really a govt conspiracy to brainwash children...typed this...and left the thread
One thing we did in Japan was Zazen Meditation. When I was in grade 11, all students went to a big temple hall where we meditated for two days to still our minds. One of the hardest things I've ever done and all I did was sit. It was a good experience when I look back on it, though.
^I'm sure everyone is wondering... How did you excrete waste? Did you wear some huggies? How did you sleep? What if you felt itchy? What if you had to clear your throat, would people get pissy because you're disrupting their TRANQUILITY?
Children should definitly have religieus education and learn stuff about christianity, islam, judaism, hinduism and budism. But it should not be practised in schools. If they do read the bible in a school ask the teacher to read the part where jesus demands the unbelievers to be killed infront of his eyes ^_^
I see no issue with religion in schools. Take USA for example, built on such mottos like "in God we trust". Obviously referring to the Christian God. I don't know when it became uncool or not right, but for our generation to decide God is old and outdated and to replace Him with others or no entity at all. You can't build national trust in God if there is no God taught. No one in US is or was forced to believe in God, they all made their own choices, no matter if they were taught about Him as children or not. I see no reason to change it.
I come from a Christian country, I was taught religion at school but was allowed to make my own choices and philosophy, my children go to a Catholic school primarily because the standard of education is higher not because I'm a Catholic, they will be taught values and morals and will be able to make their own choices about religion, the only thing I find uncomfortable in my city other religions are pushing in, we have 1 church for one area, where as the Muslim area will have 5+ mosques for a communitie that can no way fill them to capacity, this communitie also likes converting Christian churches into mosques leaving no trace of Christian worship in that area which in turn causes tensions between community's, observations made seem to point that certain communities like to detach themselves from everything and everyone except their own faith people, self segregation to a point and this is not healthy
may i ask which morals are taught by religion and not by non religious schools? They are pretty much the same i think.
I don't understand why people are so eager to continue posting religious threads, when everybody here knows that someone, at some point, will get butthurt and get the thread locked. To answer your question, Willy; no, I don't find suitable for kids to practice religion in schools simply because religion is not an institution. Religion is and should be something that a person wants to follow by choice, not by obligation, but tell that to the many religious folks that wanna push their gods down everybody's throats. Respect and integrity, there should be a class for that in every school.
Religion is an institution. One that should be taught in school as far as their historic significants to history. It should not be preached and worshipped in school unless the kid wishes to do so. (Like let the kid pray before he eats if he wishes, but don't let a preacher talk the gospel to them durning class)
I believe that there should be a history class that teaches the values and beliefs of other religions so that people have a better understanding of other people's beliefs. This would stop a lot of discrimination such as those who are against Muslims or those who are Jewish
"School" in itself is a brain washing propaganda campaign. Making our youth learn a certain set of skills, craft or ideals established be another to meet certain purposes for profit is a comon practice.
If you 'taught' religion in school, the smart kids would figure out that it's bs, and they would realize its importance in society. Hopefully they wouldn't take advantage of this information and manipulate the weaker ones.
got my arse whooped over pledge of allegience once but i deserved it. I cicked my heals at end of it and said highl hitler