The United States of America has always been an Union of sorts. Each state has its own politicalized boundary. For example, the Coast Guard serves their respective states first before their obligation to the Union.
Impressive, editing your original statement so it fits in with your revised argument. Every statement you've made since the un-edited version of that has contradicted what you have said. If you're going to say that Christians are ignorant, at least have the stones to stick with it, instead of backtracking and taking things back. Until you decide on an opinion, be sure and take notes from everybody on this thread. At least they stick by their statements.
Your opinion is completely absurd and you are ignorant. It's none of my business though. Christianity is a fake religion full of ignorant people. Not trying to discredit it though.
If these arguments haven't been settled by astronomers monks councils etc...kaw is supposed to? What has the world come to
I disagree with the religion. I still follow Jesus. I just don't like the way that religion works as a bunch of systematic laws, decrees, regulations, and enforcement. You can call it whatever want. #followerofjesus #haterofreligion
I have no problem seeing kids learn about religion in schools...any mainstream religion, complete with the inevitable strengths and weaknesses of the individual teachers. I believe that many children would benefit from being able to not only learn about these religions, but to practice in school as well, if the choose to. Schools are a reflection of what we are as much about what we want to be. Religion is part of that. For me...the deity is not so important as the choice and the knowledge. For those that choose not to participate, i suggest an extra half hour here and there in other studies wont do any harm at all.
Religions teaching values is as effective as parents teaching the same. Good people can teach good morals, but there aren't any promises anywhere in life that guarantee you're being led by good people. I have trust issues. I want to control my children's future and guide them in a way that teaches them to make appropriate decisions. Religion isn't part of their life. The only part of organized religion I agree with is the values of love and peace. My wife and I can teach them that on our own. I don't need a teacher in a public school telling my kids what is right and wrong. Sure, it might be part of the agenda..but stick to math, science and language. We can handle the morals at home.
This is a good thing. Too many people want the schools to be the parent. Schools exist to teach, and parents exist to raise kids.
^ but sometimes parents didn't know if what's happening to them in school :/ and some (or most) children don't tell it to their parents. Also, did you know if what's the difference between Islam, Christianity, Abrahamism (is that the right spelling?) and any religion related to that? Base on pineapple's statement (can't quote again in phone), he/she said he/she follow Jesus but does not believe in religions.... All this time are you comparing Christians to Abrahamism (spelling?), Jhudism, (put jew's religion here), Prostentanism, and Islam? They are completely different! Christians are Jesus' followers, Islam is Allah's followers (yes it is God when translated but they have a different story on a different book), Abrahamism is Abraham's followers (I'm not 100% sure of this religion), and Protestants are also different from Christians (I just don't know what but they are different). (Just to clarify if ppl get this mix up) they are different from each other and if I remember some (or most) of the religion of the Americans is Protestantism and since Christians has the most number of believers, maybe you have mix them a little.
protestants ARE christians abrahamism i think summarizes christianity, islam and judaism. Muslims follow Mohammad Jews, Christians and Muslims have the one and same god.
Protestants AREN'T Christians. If they are Christians then pls explain if why do we have another religion from America which is called Protestanism instead of retaining our religion, Christianity which we got from Spain? Abrahamism is like Islam and Judaism but NOT Christianity. And yes we have the same God, but we have different books, orders, and traditions. They don't eat pork but we do. Women have clothes which cover their face while ours DON'T. We do not have Hari Raya and Ramadam while they have. Christianity follows Jesus' teachings, while the Islam follows Mohammed's teachings from their god Allah (with different orders unlike in Christianity). Also, Islam allows polygyny while we DON'T because it is a SIN for us. Abrahamism were Abraham's descendants and they follow the teachings Abraham knows. In our bible, Jesus told the first rules of God and added more to it unlike Abrahamism which still follows the first rules of God. Yes we have one God but we follow God in different ways. Jews were also like Abrahamism, but they aren't and they also have more different tradition than ours. We don'g have passovers (holiday) while they do. We eat pork (again) and they don't. They do something when a child is born by bringing them to the temple and telling God that he owned them and then ask to let them have them back while we just Baptize newborns. They have DIFFERENCES no wonder why you complain differently from the past posts than what I would expect.
Erm, American religion didn't come from Spain, the Spanish tried to set up Catholicism, but it failed before 1850, the mayflower and vast majority of settlers were british / continental Protestants.
so protestants do not use the bible or follow jesus? I would have to tell the local protestant church that. And i looked it up, abrahamism is the collection of religions which followed from abraham, islam, judaism, and christianity, jesus was after all jewish. That the religions are different is obvious, they originate from different eras and different locations. eg: christianity in europe and islam in the middle east. this can also explain the different orders god gives. The cultures are way different and religions adapted them, added something and made it more or less mandetory
"] Sorry for wanting people to stop being ignorant. But that's fine. I mean I don't actively try to discredit it.[/quote] Impressive, editing your original statement so it fits in with your revised argument. Every statement you've made since the un-edited version of that has contradicted what you have said. If you're going to say that Christians are ignorant, at least have the stones to stick with it, instead of backtracking and taking things back. Until you decide on an opinion, be sure and take notes from everybody on this thread. At least they stick by their statements.[/quote] Besides what I edit is correcting misspellings or what could be taken out of context. Christians are ignorant. Now am I saying they are ignorant on everything? No I am not, I am also ignorant on things. I do stick by my statements.