School and Religion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. There facts about it but not in it.
  2. there are facts in religion, most got there by accident, but they are facts.
  3. Religion is based upon nothing
  4. I fail to see why people believe everything they read from a book that was written 3500 years ago. I mean they didn't even know how to prevent even the smallest of diseases.
  5. This is a the problem with most Atheists. They actively try to discredit religion. They aren't happy just not having it, and they can't leave well enough alone, so they keep trying to enlighten the unlearned idiots of the world with their superior intellect.

    Also, same could be said of most things in history, yet they go in the history books.
  6. Superior intellect? Not sure how that makes me smart. And history can be proven
  7. Sorry for wanting people to stop being ignorant.

    But that's fine.

    I mean I don't actively try to discredit it.
  8. History is rather biased
  9. It's proven Jesus is real too. What about that, huh?
  10. I couldn't agree more. Men and women wrote it.

    We are all imperfect.
  11. Jesus is dead he may have lived a long time ago and he must have been great but he's dead and he's gone therefore he doesn't exist
  12. My thought exactly pineapple
  13. There is no need to further canonize a person who is so irrelevant to the development of a world that relies on results-oriented thinking
  14. Warning. This bread is wandering off topic. Keep it together or it will get locked
  15. And you get pissed when people force their views on you.

    It is exactly NONE of your business who believes what, and you are the ignorant one if you think otherwise.
  16. This is a the problem with most Atheists. They actively try to discredit religion. They aren't happy just not having it, and they can't leave well enough alone, so they keep trying to enlighten the unlearned idiots of the world with their superior intellect.

    Also, same could be said of most things in history, yet they go in the history books.[/quote]
    Sorry for wanting people to stop being ignorant.

    But that's fine.

    I mean I don't actively try to discredit it.[/quote]
    And you get pissed when people force their views on you.

    It is exactly NONE of your business who believes what, and you are the ignorant one if you think otherwise.[/quote]
    I don't force my views on anyone so I would get pissed if they force their views on me.

    But thanks for stating the obvious.

    But I was merely stating why Atheists that do push their views on people doing.
    Because the fact 90% of the country ignores facts and believe in a man in the sky is completely absurd.

    The fact that people actively try to be ignorant is just absurd.

    Also that's not most atheists.

    Never said or implied it's my business aswell.
  17. A real person, yes that's quite likely. A child of miraculous conception? Able to do transform one material into another? No proof.
  18. Stop picking on cow you noob

  19. Picking on? That's a pretty out there accusation.

    @moose. Bread?! It is still on topic - a discussion on whether or not it can be classed as facts is relavent as to whether it should be taught in a fact based environment (school). Though thanks for the warning :)

  20. Fact based? I encourage you to tell me how Texas changing curriculum to only teach that the Civil War was about State Rights and teaches nothing about slavery, "factual." The fact remains that school can not be considered factual. The information given is always determined by the county officials, and nothing else.