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Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIl-xXx-Miss-Kreeak-xXx-lIl, Sep 28, 2013.

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  1. Using "homo/gay" as an insult is just offensive to those who are actually gay and just makes them feel insecure and Unaccepted by society. Telling people to be gay is stupid because it seems to be genetically predetermined.
  2. Then again you can't push "homo/gay" ideas to those who are against it, it also makes me feel uncomfortable.
  3. Southern whites had the same attitude towards black people you ignoramus. Made them 'uncomfortable'. You need to suck up your insecurities in your own sexuality and accept that humans are humans no matter what.
  4. So then it should be fine for me to say homo, apparently Adolf was fine for what he did because he was human and we need to accept it? Makes sense. Im being persecuted for saying it but yet others can say it to me? Stop being hypicrites.
  5. Let this thread die
  6. The leader of the Germany during World War 2*
  7. Devil, you like to keep crying about how you hit me 20 times? :lol:
  8. NMF strikes again. Priceless. Val I want three season passes please.
  9. You have financial difficulties yet you still bought stuff for the game... ****!
  10. Devil- people don't accept that leader at all. In the eyes of the majority he was an evil man that deserves to be burned in a pool of pure hyrdrochloric acid.
  11. Why does this thread continue to get more and more funnier :)
  12. Locking thread as has gone so far off topic.
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