Scam Your Way Forward

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourSistersHairIsPretty, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. :( I only read half of the posts
  2. bs no way you had 150b just from selling buildings. and also not the smartest thing to do is announce your a scammer.... duh
  3. oo and befor I forget his acc he is using is darckmicky so fell free to farm him if he took gold from you
  4. my bad it's darkmicky not 
  5. Jake, he had a build, he had money, then he'd trick people to volley allies. With 0/0/0/0 he doesn't have to bank it.
  6. People with about 1K attack though are a *****. 10bill out and you're losing 30mill a hit. It hurts.

  7. I saw another posts of this exact thing but diff name.
  8. This is why i dedicated my alt to you :D
  9. I wanna see if this works or not
  10. Awww thanks my hair is prettier though :)
  11. If you have money you can still get hit at 0 stats
  12. Why would you bump this thread? It's useless
  13. I know a guy... He worked his way up to 2 trillion, vollied it to an unknown main, and continued this
  14. ...yoursistersbush.. To


    Devs are hilarious :lol:
  15. His name is darkmicky
  16. Bump due to Mickey's request.
  17. Hey there is my other account on this thread:0
  18. This thread was a classic, I think Moose moved for your name change. I could be wrong, unlikely though...
  19. I love this thread.