Scam Your Way Forward

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourSistersHairIsPretty, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Hey anyone want to "volley" my 36bil ally his name is -Dekay
  2. I'm back, ninjas!

    Latest Victim: Xx-Gemma-xX
    Ally: mcbuzz
    Amount: 50b

    God, I love this. I surely do.
  3. You are an ass. Why do that if u don't even use the cash
  4. Because he/she rocks and you suck.
  5. Lol, Gemma. That sucks, 50b for a 50-60k stat person.

    Gotta admire the degree of persuasion Bush has to accomplish.
  6. I did this before I tried to quit. It was fun.
  7. Wow - after a year and a half of playing, the devs sent me a message and changed my name!

    Apparently some bozo told them my name was offensive.

    Oh well...

    So, the devs changed my name to YourSistersHairIsPretty

    I guess that's kind of funny, that they chose this name. I mean, just the fact that somebody had to think about this and come up with something is awesome. That they actually took a few moments out of their day to focus on me is hilarious.

    Just letting you guys know so if you see a wall post from my new name, remember to ignore it. I will try to scam you!

  8. Nice name YSB. Lol :lol: I read your wall. Did you pull off a 150bil scam? :p
  9. But ya know what's great about your name change? You didn't have to spend nobs to change your name, the devs did it for you. Now all the people who you scammed who don't read forums are now unable to search for you again, so you are safe from some of your enemies if you decide to play the normal KaW life again.
  10. It costs 20 nobility to change your name and there is a thing called links.
  11. @Strategy: As in the peeps will still remember YSHIP as YSB and when they search for him as YSB, they're gonna get 'invalid username'. And the DEVS changed YSB's name, not YSB himself lol.
  12. YourSistersHairIsPretty is stripped, burnt to 0 pots on both spy and attack side, currently being drained and open to tiny builds, preferably running max xtals ;)

    to YourSistersHairIsPretty, sexwulf and whoever thinks 0 stat banks are untouchable... think again, cause u are wrong :) if ure carrying allies, then there is no safe build in kaw, all are vulnerable, big or small..

    compliments of NBN

    ps. sleep well YourSistersHairIsPretty, u will wake up to a little surprise :)
  13. I would lol cuz he's got so muc ally bonus u prob can get thru pots and stuff
  14. I like your new name dude, it's prweeetty.
  15. See, here's the thing - I don't care.

    I was scamming for fun, you're actually doing it out of spite.

    Hilarious that you don't get the joke.

    Enjoy my money. I can scam my way forward again!

  16. This is so epic LOL
  17. Well sisters is a dumb ass
  18. It's you're fault you were stupid enough to get scammed! :lol: don't rage at YSB!