Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method I do this all the time. Tell everyone u plz. Still gonna be plenty of suckerzzz out there to scam. Always
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method Better scam: 1.) Make an alt 2.) Volley said alt with any high-level player to an absurdly high number, saying that they looked promising and had an achievement(s) or something that makes them more appealing. 3.) After you reach an appropriate amount, reset the alt. Act all pissed at the alt, especially if the other player gets angry at you. chances are they get angry at the alt. 4.).Have the alt wall you saying they were: "so-and-so" from your firt clan, and that they wante to get back at you by resetting, but the other player hired back and it's just their own damned fault.
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method It is one way but I will say after reading this how many ppl will still volley with someone with no stats no owner and no morals.. That would be interesting
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method YourSistersBush is BACK! Sorry for the delay - I was on vacation in Santa Fe with my mother. It was lovely. Now - after playing only 7 minutes today, I just got a fresh scam done. It really feels good, if I'm being perfectly honest. Victim - JoinMe Amount - 51 billion Ally - dogdart Sorry, JoinMe, looks like I owe you one. Actually, I guess I owe you more like 51 billion ones. Good to be back!!! (and remember, whatever you do, DO NOT VOLLEY WITH ME!)
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method Lmao. Great idea. Make sure you don't agree to volley anyone's ally's so they can't spam you
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method What? Two in one day? Impossible, you say? Nope - the moron pool runs pretty deep, I suppose. Victim - akbutler Amount - 52 billion Ally - roflpants I can't go for more tonight - need some sleep. I spent a total of 23 min playing today. That's too much!
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method Okay, I just couldn't resist... Before I headed off to bed, I decided to put another 15 minutes in the game. And landed my biggest heist EVER. Amazes me with over 900 views on this thread that people still get suckered by me. I really couldn't shout it any louder... Don't buy my allies! Don't buy my allies! (but I know you will) Victim: kohwt Amount: 102b Ally: wormtail I didn't think I could go this high. Can I do 150b? We'll find out!
Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method XD No moral, stats or way of attacking/spying you..... Great idea.