Scam Your Way Forward

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourSistersHairIsPretty, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Lol I always check people out before I do any sort of thing that could lose me money! You just proved I'm right!
  2. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Brush what do you do with the money?
  3. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Yh how much money u gonna make before u use it? It sounds fun lol also if u add me I'll let u into a 99% effective way to transfer money (although it takes forever) between accounts which doesn't breach ToU :)
    I admire you and might try this (watch out for yourmothersbush :)
  4. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Simply an epic win. Good job.
  5. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Haven't been playing much today - spent 10 minutes (really just one wc post) and scammed this one

    Ally : NSB

    Victim : Montanan1

    I know, small potatoes - only an 8bil scam. Now on to the real challenge. The 140b ally!

    Don't be my next victim!
  6. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    You can volley me to 140bil lol
  7. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Well, that took all of another 10 min - largest one yet! 140b





    Sorry Dragon, no hard feelings. You just got caught in a lie. This will ultimate make you a better and more cautious player.

    See guys, I'm actually helping people become better players! (just kidding, I know I'm not.)
  8. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Lol. Someone ACTUALLY BOUGHT your 140 bil ally? That is SOME serious money  
  9. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    btw, are you aiming for 1 trillion?
  10. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    You got me, fair and square. But I am the rare person who DOES remember the names of people who cross me. I'll be seeing you.
  11. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    That person was my old friend 
  12. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Lol bush you tried to get me to hire too bad I didn't really have 28 bill out
  13. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Whoa. Are morals lost to all now?
  14. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    This is awesome. Lol. Keep us the good work.
  15. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Should I do what he does?
  16. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    That's pretty cool. :)  . Keep up the scamming.
  17. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    Just remember the one part, no stats. If you scam and have stats you will get smacked up
  18. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    And that's why i've trained my clan on appropriate measures when a stranger asks them to volley.
  19. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    When I sold all my buildings 6 months ago I had about 120b Leftover..., I was thinking about doing ally trading for a while but nothing nearly as evil as this. >:).
  20. Re: Scam Your Way Forward - The YourSistersBush Method

    You don't have to scam people either. If you have large friends they can usually bump an ally of theirs up and ask you to help.