Say What You Want

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CHAOS_ASSASSIN, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Ouch, seriously, what has this guy done to be abused like this?
  2. How long have u been on ff winters? I've been on writing for only a week and I don't like him.
  3. He didn't do anything, he just reacted like a fourth grader to some negative feedback.
  4. You can't play on broken strings...
  5. Hey winters is back he can finish stories and it's because he has acted like an idiot on ff and acted incredibly annoying. Then he would go into a noob rage and call everyone but heads if you tried to say something.
  6. Sorry meant to say he can finish his storie not he can finish storys
  7. I did the same exact thing!Well kinda I got off for a week on forums.All you need to do is stop calling people *** or **** or ***** or any other thing because that is what ticks people off.What I did during that week is I studied a lot of grammar,I studied how forums work,and how to write good stories!Don't let bad comments get you just ignore them. :D
  8. Awwww haaaaaiiiiiil Naw
  9. Sure, your grammar really got brilliant, didn't it?
  10. I take a grammar class in school.