Say Hello to your new Moderators!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Caster, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. It's been a long and arduous undertaking (mostly because of me), but we're finally here! Let's give a very big welcome to new and amazing additions to our Moderator team! 🐣


    🐣 Take it easy on them and, once again, welcome!

    #1 [ATA]Caster, Mar 14, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2022
  2. Can we get a recount on votes please? Pretty sure the Devocrats rigged this election!!😝

    Jk:) Congrats new mods! Take lessons from the time you were looking in at WC and thought you could do better and make it happen🍻 cheers and good luck.
  3. Welcome guys πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
    Smiles_Tribute and I_Nymeria_l like this.
  4. Congratulations and welcome aboard Veni, Nymeria, and smiles. It will be great to be working along side all of you 😊
    Smiles_Tribute likes this.
  5. So proud of you guys, and especially proud of my clan chief Smiles! Can’t wait to work with you three!
    Smiles_Tribute likes this.
  6. Congratulations to the new mods! Looking forward to working with you all.
    Smiles_Tribute likes this.
  7. Welcome to the team y'all!! :D
    Smiles_Tribute likes this.
  8. Congratulations. Way to step up. Hope you find it as rewarding as I did.
  9. 🌝
  10. Congrats to the new πŸ’šmodsπŸ’š!! πŸ₯°πŸ’™πŸ‘
  11. Not enough hate on this thread🌚
    DaysB4- and Thrawn like this.
  12. Congrats new modsπŸ’š
  13. Booo we want the complete dissolution of the Mod team. #DefundMods
  14. What the hell I applied for moderator never got back I think this is all fixed
  15. Same reason jobs can't respond to all applicants if there are too many. Too many resources required to give detailed feedback and most people would complain they got a generic declined message.
    Tez likes this.
  16. Can we farm all 3 new mods for 4 or 5 weeks to help them fit into there new rples?
  17. Join Kotfe your chances of becoming a mod will increase two fold.
  18. omg, really?
    I’d rather walk over hot cole while poking myself in the eyes with the sharpest instrument I could find.
    BadRobot likes this.