Save round wars!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. What the hell is aprachite?
  2. Please leave me alone i was just shareing my opion and trying to save my fav war thats all didnt want drama ok? So please cf and excuse my stupidity and im being serious
  4. What is an aprachite?

    And how do i get one?
  5. Im sorry now happy kawing
  6. Cf not granted. Enjoy being farmed.
  7. U got ur thread what more do u want ?
  8. A bike and a slinky. <--- find out where this reference came from and cf granted.
  9. Just give him his cf, dude. He obviously has some problems. No reason to humiliate him further.
  10. U said ull cf once u get thread then u get thread now u delte comment wow dude now ur lieng and hitting a smaller guy tragic i wont hit back so cf and happy kawing
  11. Round wars could be fixed quite easily imo.

    Make all successful hits pay the same amount would even the size differences.

    The idea of evening out payrates for land size builds would also even it out.

    Might help people to include different builds into the wars and also let people war with good trackers and wc not just luck of the draw.
  12. True enough.... Okay Magic I'm done with you.
  13. I respect yup but im getting help mental help
  14. Oh you're getting help? This'll be fun then. :)
  15. Mental help with my problems

  16. Nice edit, what'd you say before?
  17. No! Your father's been laid off!



    Don't grant it on my behalf  just knew he wouldn't know it
  20. I'd love to see a period or comma at least once in OP's message 
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