Just generally, many people either use too many or too few commas in writing. You use too few. None, actually.
Type it up all at once before posting to make it look like a real story. Chapters, dialogue, etc. would help too. Use the note app on your iPod to type it up first.
Sapphire shrunk back as she remebered the 'draining', her friends shreicked around her their eyes rolling back into their heads. She knew this was what the Shadow Beast was trying to do she tried to fight it but couldn't the memory was to fresh and cut her to deeply!
David shoots sapphire again... Looks at the body, & unloads the rest of the cartridge in her face, just invade she didn't get the message.
Fine I am not writing any more I may never write again in my life what's u guys problems do have a life or do u just go around critasizing ppl I don't care if I spelled it wrong