Salvation - Feedback/Chat

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. It can't be that good!

    Lol 
  2. Yes it is. .
  3. Woah...

    I'm writing
  4. I kinda worried for myself when I wrote it... *shivers*

    Enjoy! :D
  5. ... 
  6. *bows* Sorry, dinner.
  7.  Greatness jobsicle. 
  8. nice chapter
    i understand now :)
  9. You can actually UNDERSTAND it!?

    K'poof! Brainfart
  10. Can I be in it? The story Is well... AS EPIC AS PIE!!!
  11. Btw I'm Zap2340, just in iPhone 4 form lolz
  12. So, do cheese & co. have real names? Or r they robots or something?
  13. Lemme rephrase that.


    Nuff said
  14. 1) They do have real names, but that'll be explained later, cuz just saying their real names is too... Out of place and too fast.

    2) Zap, just transfer accs, unless you already gave back your old iPhone/ iPod.
  15. It would be a little strange. Real names will be interesting. Few people would have the same kaw name and real name. I wouldn't be suprised if Benny's actual name isn't even Benny.
  16. Ok, I'll make up the names. Expect them to be introduced in chapter 2.
  17. I can understand also. Lol
  18. It's pretty good, only do a bit more showing, not as much telling.