Salvation - Feedback/Chat

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Can I be unknown figure?
  2. And so Salvation begins...
  3. hmm i understand Salvation but i didn't understand the last chapter of revolution
  4. @stora: The revolution wasn't real. Everyone was in a simulation. Then the voice blew up the facility.
  5. Can I be in Salvation cheese?
  6. *bows to Cheese* O great master, thy chapter is...

  7. I will try. I'll be much more dedicated to Salvation, and I'll try to put in all that I can.

    Also, the Unknown Figure is already chosen. Noone can apply for the Unknown Figure, sorry to say
  8. Can I have a 2nd character? Lol. 
  9. I think you're overkilling it.

    But there will be new characters... Goddamnit, just wait! Everything'll be done eventually
  10. . I be not overlooking it. It was epicsauwce.
  11. Killing* -.-
  12. From now on, whenever you post a chapter im gonna bow to you and say that. : P
  13. Remember the deal cheese!
  14. U in my book-I in ur book
  15. I dunno if I can hold up to that deal,..

    But I'll try to put Agyos in
  16. End of Chapter 1 is being posted within the next three hours.
  17. Think of it as a birthday present since my b-day was yesterday
  18. Happy Bday! 
  19. Can't wait!! :D