saltys tips for suxes: gettin rich edition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Mar 21, 2015.

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  1. Heard your buddy got the boot for sucking
  2. Best post on this thread 
  3. Salty, if you're so rich, why can't you afford one of these:

    Use them before each post ;)
  4. Aint nobodi gots time fo that
  5. I still dont no what the big deal is. I make good money, so what? Once u got enough to pai for your daily libing it stops being so important.
  6. Amen
  7. I'm not gonna lie Salty's posts annoy me, but there's a good message in this one. Give life your all. You only get one chance.
  8. For all those who measure "success" in terms how of much money you make, I truly pitty you. I have a great family, I have a loving wife, I have a beautiful little baby girl, I have a roof over my head, food in my kitchen, car in my driveway. My friends are my friends for life, I enjoy my time off, I do not live for my job, I live to enjoy my life. If your happy and alive, you are successfull. Money is meaningless, when your time comes and your laying on your death bed, all that matters is the experiences you've had, the people you love and the impact you've had "even if small" on other people's lives. None of thr things that truly matter cost much money. I Say enjoy your life, don't work yourself to death and don't take the little things for granted. Those "little" things are more often then not the biggest things. Salty, you state that you have no friendships that last, you've stated you've had no loves that last, you clearly state you live for your work, so to you I say thus far you have failed at life and are by no means "successful".
  9. BlackHandTrip, brilliant post, I couldn't agree more.
  10. Amen trip
  11. I hate you so much
  12. Matty u kissass. Hey look, ive been telling everivody money does not equal hapinez but none of u fools listen. Jeeeez
  13. Then why do you focus on making so much money even though it causes you to be single and lonely? Let's settle down and start a family.

  14. So you lied about about being 270 lbs and zero fat? No surprising since 270 lbs of muscle would make you possibly the biggest body builder who ever lived. Wonder what else he's lying about? Lied about one, lied about the rest. Just an attention seeker who purposely misspells words. Act is growing stale.
  15. No. It is explained in that text u selected. Read it when u want more explanations. That text explains everything. Readin is ur thang. Go for it u nerd.
  16. I focus on work cuz i like it. Im also engaged. I told u all these already! U guis should read a litle.
  17. Also, no person can b zero fat. Only a complete imbecile would not no that.
    Also, if ur so tired of my threads u can just stop postin. But i no u wont. Cuz u like em. And also cuz u wanna b me
  18. Lol I'm not the one to have claimed to be 270 lbs of lean muscle. Fairly typical for liars to start whining when they have been exposed.
  19. Also, u read the an internet dictionary and u are all of the suden an expert. 270 in a bulk is far from being the top weight for a bodybuilder. Lean is another story.but u wouldnt no that cuz all u do is whyne, asking for explanations and run from wars. :lol:
  20. Oh look he wants more explanations!
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