Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____DaMoOoSe________, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Joe..where are this is getting annoying
  2. No joeeeeeeeeee your not in cc coz your not important really and it takes a big man to hit a stripped player - I got stripped the first day - did I cry - no, did I stop fighting - hell no , and do I intend to stop - not a chance , so finish your jigsaw and keep hitting easy targets
  3. No, i'm not in cc because you guys can't report.
    I was spying in your clan when the war started, I saw about a five people reporting the hits.
    You're still fighting because you have nothing left to lose, no pots, no allies.. where's all this incoming that I was promised by your banner? "All hits returned"
    Are you obsessed with Jigsaws? I suppose that's all you can do while sitting in pin, along with talking ****.
    Bored of your meaningless dribble, see you soon ;)
  4. Joe joe joe. You are sure at home in the clans you are fighting with: A bunch of farmers who find fun in annoying people. Good news is that with most people the part of your brain that is not working yet will be completed as you grow up. You will then see how silly you and your friends are atm.
  5. How silly we are?
    On an online game, I play this game to have fun and along with that cause trouble..
    However this time trouble came to us, don't moan because we're having fun and you aren't ;)
    If you want a way out all you have to do is surrender and we'll take pity on you ;)
  6. Joeeeeeeeeee the only pin your ever given out is when the dinner ladies badge fell off and you gave it her back - and you spied in our clan - wow that must have been some top secret op..... Give me a break, man up, shut up and put up 
  7. O, It is fun to farm farmers. And if you think we started this you are misinformed. My point is: this game should be fun for all. You and your friends think it is fun to annoy people. This is normal for teenagers as the humane part of your brain is not there yet. When it does kick in you will feel silly for the things you and your friends are doing now.
  8. Why doesn't everyone just shut the **** up and get on with your lives and quit this sad excuse for an OSW. And I'm talking to ALL parties involved
  9. I know quite a few "adults" on this game that love to annoy, and pester others. Some more so than these "teenagers" you speak of. The thing about this behind the scenes, hidden from others game, is that we can act like whoever/whatever we want. I use this game as an escape at times from my mature, responsible, hum drum sorta life.

    Do I act like a kid? Rarely. But can I? Why the hell not. The only one I have to answer to at the end of the day, isn't anyone on this game.
  10. So well said drgn. :D
  11. Damn , I been active in war for 30 mins and either were cooking on all burners or u lot are self pinning again get up , man up and fight . I pinned 5 of u in 3 mins .
  12. Yes drgn, there are adults that never mature. That is why we need police and armies in rl. That is why kaw needs us.
  13. Lmao , I have 6 BL hitting me and still no pin. Problem is lil guys , u hit from pin u will never pin 
  14. Oh, just to be clear. I am talking from experience. I did my share of sillyness when I was young. Nothing to be ashamed of though. It is a normal part of growing up, and most people do grow up sooner or later.
  15. Funny you say that Sabo fraz. Your friends in 'knightmare' are doing just that. More often than not I have a poblem to find a player in top 20 of 'knightmare' that is not pinned. Must give credit to a few though. Dirty animal for example. He (she?) is a beast :)
  16. Layon , u some kind of deranged twonk ? Shad up already , raddle raddle . Raddle . RADDLE
  17. Ok guys, let's just stop the trash talk. Who cares anymore? Talk is talk. Whatever you say, it won't change a thing. Let's keep up and spend more time hitting and less time talking.
  18. Hey layon , yup that was me , oh what's that ? Oh yea , your pinned . Now shut the f up . Looser
  19. Please keep the noob out of our texts please :roll:
  20. Temper temper layon , Inc fails don't count  looser . Stand by lil fella . Feel it , yep feel it . Feels good ya ? 