Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____DaMoOoSe________, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Ooh, failed my :roll:
  2. Drgn stay out or taste my altwhy Are you here? Want to war? Il bust Your @ss over Your head you small dragon wannabe
  3. Guffy that would actually be hilarious on top of being the most money I would lose so far this war  and sorry your clan owner Patty ran with his main to wrath so u don't see my hits reported in cc 

    Naked was a good look for you
  4. There you are getting all Guffy again. You need to relax. Count to 10 and breathe. Now repeat after me: "This is only a game. I do not need to portray myself as something I'm not, simply because I'm hidden behind my phone". Good, now whenever you feel like you're going to get Guffy again, repeat those words.

    Everything will be ok. Goosfraba man. Goosfraba.
  5. Oh, and ass isn't filtered btw. :roll:
  6. Well now it is. Figures.
  7. Crystalee have given uppwill not hit any morejust surender and post a apology i forum then all Wil be good for you npi have seen pll in sabotage leave all week,they probably know you loose
  8. Beast 15/16/9 many fails 
  9. Apology thread: Raddle , raddle raddle . Raddle ! Raddle raddle , raddle , R A D D L E . RADDLE . grrrrrr raddle   sorry big boogie . And Raddle . Raddle
    Raddle 
  10. So much emoji...
  11. That was just weird Fraz, but funny. I don't see the point in all the raddling, but if you are enjoying yourself have at it.
  12. At least beast potted 9 sdp unlike your moose warrior only pot 6.
  13. lmfao a surrender And An apology? Its a pretty tall order is that, and one i dont see been complied with anytime soon, Tell you what Run back to Wrath and List and Tell them they can just give up. Iv had 0 incoming for 37Hours but yet iv been pinning you useless morons 0_o...... Oh thats right i dont Fail

  14. Wrath and Lust, damn auto correct 
    Have at it and Enjoy.
  15. Condor could you please explain moooose warrior and only 6 pots?
  16. Oh wow bravo guys finally, 3 incoming.... Is that all you got?
  17. 
    For a pure spies say 3 inc only ?
    Are you a noobs spies ?

    ® 
  18. that makes no sense what so ever 
  19. An inc is an inc regardless of build etc; he only got 3 after then 37hours of no inc's.

    It would make sense if he was at the bottom of the roster but he ain't so...
  20. Ahh I see what he said there..I didn't read it correctly very tired and early hours of morning 