Yay anymore fellow sir? A massage chair..a wheelchair?(that lady that I stole it from will crawl back to you) or a nice dinner?
Kaos I'll take some popcorn. Movie butter with extra butter please. Also, if u have an extra massage chair, that'll do nicely. Finally, do u have The Notebook? Never seen it yet, but I heard its one of those gotta see movies.
You only have to look at the majority of walls out of the clans and see you clannie 'Trinnie' is on everyones wall and half the stuff is inappropriate for a 9+ game so when you can control you own members come at me, yes i walled a few big guys when they hit me for a laugh. Only banter everything I have said is harmless so if you want to cry fine by me. Unlike some of your members who only like to write on walls to abuse and show noob rage. Not all your clan are like that, I have met a few respectable people. Also I attack people I can hit just because im not aiming at the top 10 who yesterday couldn't get enough of me is not my problem. Happy Warring :lol:
ATTENTION:I hit drgn over the head with his cane and killed him..uhh so yea I'm taking his popcorn and seat :lol: