Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____DaMoOoSe________, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Ronald well I have lots of mates who want to join the fun but all turn down so what makes u so special and I'm sure there plenty of others wars 
    Oh Yh that's right ur hiding something
  2. Shadiw, please don't taunt them, I see no reason to discredit his reason for being in the OSW. Direct your attention elsewhere. Respect to all sides. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves 
  3. I'm not sure how this OSW will be remembered by the ppl involved if at all it is remembered, however I think the anger and rage at the start has been replaced by respect and dignity as the war has carried on - both sides I'm sure now view the opposite side with a grudging respect and me for one has benefited from the experience - however there is still a job to be done but respect to all involved especially to my mate patty who is a true leader 
  4. Yes thus war has become fun
  5. It is very much appreciated having such loyal members such as Gnaard and the rest of the Big League crew. It's truly the people in clans that make them great not just the leader. Thanks for being solid during this war. 
  6. Since when did this thread turn into who can kiss eachothers ass the most?
    As you said, still a job to be done
  7. True. But it's just fun. Not slamming tht repeat button. Lol
  8. I guess being pinned 24/7 gives you extra time to write in forums 

    Dear Gnaard, your persistence in failing ass/att is nothing less than admireable! Happy failing 

    Jokes aside, this war has been fun! Kudos to all involved 
  9. Who says kudos??? Noob 
  10. You know i am rol 
  11. I respect all the clans and I'm enjoying this war 
    love u all
  12. Great war guyskill em all
    Big League
  13. Shadiw, I thought Gnaard and Patty were a bit over the top, but saying "love u all" is a tad weird.
    Guffy, kill us all? Hmmm, good luck with that.. with the incoming we're getting at the minute from BL it will take a good few years to "kill us all" ;)
    Happy Warring.
  14. JOE u just Trying to act big with ur mouth but what about the action
    Oh wait don't tell me I don't care
  15. Maybe I should comment a bit more on this thread, I seem to have just taken more incoming in the past few minutes than I have for the whole of this war.. ;)
  16. What about the action?
    Well the majority of your top 10 has been pinned for most of the day..
    A few of you are also naked..
    That's not bad action in my books.
    Keep talking nooblet, where's your big main and friends that you always threaten us with?
    I'll be waiting for you to appear in my news feed :lol: