Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____DaMoOoSe________, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. You know, that is actually a good tactic.

    You loose no money in DP, all should be in offensive pots.
    When playing dead, enemy doesn't know your sleep time. They don't know whether you are actually sleeping or just faking.
    Then come out of hibernation to strip and repeat.
  2. Hi all, good to see a osw happening again for the Knightmare n sabotage allies... Enjoy the game n good old war to both sides!!

  3. I understand Val, but come on. 0 inc reported? Not even the almighty Swabia hitting? Time zones are easy due to ad mortem members running their mouth on the "We declare war on noob clans" thread.

    Let's just face it, they are out numbered. We have a small clan here working them over. I'm all for war and having a fun learning experience. Having hits returned should be part of that fun 
  4. Vinnie your fail hits are legendary at Sabotage!!! Cheers to you for keeping up the effort u have us terrified

    Congrats on winning the fail farmer of the week award
  5. Swabia when are you retiring again?
  6. Swabia will never retire 
    Long Live Swabs
  7. 

  8. @at Ballz
    Crying a corner? What the hell are you talking about? Sure, we were all stripped but we did great for not being a war clan! You have to admit that.
  9. Crystal, it's called scout bombing to use your spies so you can't hit us. Not that you are anyway. I was out for 3 hours sleeping and no mith. All I got was 20 attacks (successfully defended 17 of them) and assassinated about 100 times. No gold taken except for the 300,000 I left out
  11. Jimmy,

    My time Zone has been posted here dozens of times by me alone. I post on forums at all hours though so you may garner by now that my time zone doesn't mean much if I freely give it out and am awake around the clock.

    That being said....

    If I'm inactive and playing dead, and I have no pots, and you know my time zone, and I'm almighty....

    Why haven't you done something about me?

    Wait, I know... It's because my allies are volleyed garbage? 1t in 0/0/0/0 allies is tough to stomach if you think I might be online, huh?

    If I'm so greatly outnumbered and inactive and potless then do something about it.
  12. Swabs: Foxes time to fight will come. ;)
  13. @MachineGun Yes, 7DS was formerly UFS
  14. Swabia- We don't need to do something about you specifically. We have 3 clans to work over and choose from (see runner on clan page who was stripped ).

    My point is, why is Mookie one of the only ones putting up a least a little bit of a fight? You and your clan declared war on KAW. Cool, I congratulate you. This is a war game and more clans should take the same stance you did. More clams should hop off EBs and play pvp. It is what makes this game fun.

    I'm just stating it would be a little more fun if we really warred. Instead of hitting you guys all day and getting nothing in return.

    Remember, you decided to join this OSW. You declared war on us. You should have known we wouldn't roll over like those noob clans on your clan page. "Buy my allies" extortion tactics won't work against veteran clans who have full loyalty.

    So my question sir, why join if you guys continue to only hit and fail ebs? Either way, I'm glad to be warring again now that summer wars are completed. Only thing interesting in this game anymore 
  15. I'll handle Swabia  easy meat :evil:
  16. Weak jimmy.

    You can't have it both ways.

    Either you have us or you don't. Show me you do somehow.
  17. TALK TALK TALK is that all you do swab? :lol: :lol: