Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____DaMoOoSe________, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. I said 15 mill plunder and 35 mill ally bonus. That's not a lie
  2. Damoose, by your logic a guy with 5tril out will only lose about 20mil a hit. You really need to learn your game mechanics
  3. Vin I dropped into sabo to say hi..nothing more so please don't think that you made me run of all scared cause you hit me a few war sweetheart all I did was return news is still open to you
  4. Damoose, he will make the same amount no matter what you gave out. If I hit a build your size with no pots I will roughly make 50mil so he isn't lying
  5. Ok, well once I've milked the 4 Hansels here empty and we've whopped Sabotage we'll move onto 'Knighmare'. That is, if you haven't already been beaten
  6. Thanks greatness, it's good to know that someone else understands game mechanics
  7. Greatness I'm talking about my situation With what gold I have out relative to vinne build size attacking me. Is about a third loss...he makes no more than 37 mil from me per hit to my 12 mil loss..
  8. Greatness: you, DaMoose, and I are actually saying the same thing. Vinnie is saying he took 1.5b off someone in 30 hits w/ <10b out.

    I frequently leave petty cash out during osw to throw folks off.

    You could make 50m/hit off someone his stats with him having negligible gold out...that doesn't mean vinnie is "right" about "taking" 1.5b. Re-read the full discussion.

    (BTW, I have no accounts in this war whatsoever...just commenting as an observer)
  9. _joe
    You are right. What I meant was I had made 1.5 bill. Sorry if I worded wrongly
  10. War is always entertaining and fun for both observers and the involved clans..

    Support to 7ds! Way to go and kick some ass..

    Will be on stand-by..


     New Age 
  11. Foxes won't be involved. Friends on both sides. No reason for bad blood unless we're called upon. 
  12. WAR!!! I have an old jar of mustard and I'm gonna keep putting some Ds in some As 7- FAMILY-7
  13. Any one want a coffee
    Offer for 24hr only
  14. Is the 7family the same as ufs?
  15. 7ds...

    Well, let's get a few things out in the open during the war so it can't be refuted.

    Their policy of 'don't know how to strip', assassinates and scouts is purely ineffective in war.

    Feel free to seek training with your war clan of choice. In fact Joe_ is already offering quite good advice on this thread on how war works.

    I'll offer a tip too. All your members should be active hitting enemy. So far I'm just not feeling it.

    I haven't seen Fox go war crazy in a while but it's good to see they still understand how it's done. I'd love to see them have a nice war on forums.
  16. Tips:
    When in OSW assassinates and scouts are useless unless pinning someone who is asleep on your side.

    The enemy has obviously banked their gold. You think your steals are actually doing damage, if so, continue.
    Tbh. You may aswell hit the eb for strip funds.. But if you cant strip or found out enemies sleep times, what's the point being in the OSW in the first place.
    Yes, all clan should focus on burning the spies pots first. Get yourself a nice little OSF and you've got some nice funds.
  17. Ppl telling the same thing that everyone knows
  18. Thanks for the tips Swabia. Will be interesting to see how your strategy of "don't pot up and play dead" turns out.