perhaps it is your mind that is derailed. To know true greatness is to know sushi for he will lead us all to victory. May the Kaw Gods show you mercy!
I learned this quote from the great sushi and has changed my life btw tank has tiny Asian pipi so don't war with him instead be an elite be like sushi #TankHasTinyPipiHAHA
Sorry I'm a bit late, sushi was trying to teach me how to xtal. Sushi is da best wc/tracker out here. I don't think y'all understund. He can call out targets and ko them himsealf. Sometimes he even ko's himself to. That's elite yo, like how u do that. Sushi can't be without rice, and that's why I'm hurr. #sushi #dabest #elite #100-0 #s6 #mikehastinipipiyodamn #savage
Funny. Probably because Ive never seen you host "many ll wars" and you're not an exp wc I guess if you think so highly of yourself I should let you continue to be delusional
TheRealist is tanks alt.only insults people on theRealist screenname because trys to act all proffessional on the tank account lol.if you so tough you speak on your main when you insult people.