S5 War Problems

Discussion in 'Wars' started by THE_GOD_POSEIDON, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Got rid of elven temple level 1 shouldnt be a problem now we will see.
  2. This happened to me last night ...had 30% troops ...went to Sko ... Got "not enough troop" message ... 30 sec later .. News feed filled and was ako
  3. Stripping ps has been a problem this season. All ally hires should be blocked during wars not just outside hires. It seems to be against the spirit of ee. This is system war not OSW
  4. I've seen the system very laggy.

    Jedi KO'ed a guy who SKO'd once and the system reported the guy SKO, then in the same second reported Jedi KO's him.

  5. No they shouldn't. If a Pure Spy as an ally, they deserve to be stripped.
  6. Whats your logic behind that?
  7. Pure spies do not need allies. Allies are to increase attack plunder (and to make static stats)

    Pure spies are easy to attack strip though and quick to drain. So they should never have an ally for that reason.

    Also, EE is a plunder war. There is no reason to EE as a Pure Spy. PS should surrender an SOS and put up at least a stable.

    I am a PS1 and I generally always plunder in the top 5 and I am quick enough to limit others from plundering on me.

    PS will leak via attacks if they have any gold out. 1 KO will give PS's gold and it is next to impossible to buy up potions to 0 yourself out which makes your troops a leak for the time you have gold out.

    PS have their uses but 1 stable does more gold than harm.
  8. If you war once every 24 hours, hiding allies isn't a problem
  9. Season is crap, Ally hires should not be enabled. Ps get opened and wars are not legit.
  10. U just note down all ps in ur bracket of allies before and after war and regardless if they hide allies they will get stripped. Even if a ps has no allies remember they can have gold out and even sell bb during war and u dont know they are the mole
  11. I said it before and I will say it again if you are dumb enough to not hide your allies you deserve to be stripped in war. My allies will be hidden everyday for the next 4 weeks unless I run out of mith. I do agree that ps can drop bb or pots but that's a different thing that a scumbag move.
  12. Devs need to get off their asses and fix this problem
  13. I made a thread regarding laggin some days ago, keeps happening with The latest update.. Old versión didnt do that to me, oh and if you lucky if closes on you... Randomly 
  14. Mine do same thinggn
  15. It goes 827 spies for 14 actions and then the 15th action is 200 spies
  16. Your final action will use your remaining spies. It may not be your full quota of other actions
  17. Haven't had any lag issues myself, but really I don't care for the extra 12-14 hits I get per fb steal, I hit 1% spies and it's same as hitting from pin 14x. It's fine when I'm stripping noobs, but I don't always strip noobs :)