s3=sh/gh + lb

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    What makes u think they ever gonna get any thing right besides the part where u spend money to play .? Nothing devs do suggests that this will ever get fixed ... They still get their money for offering a poor product so why add effort ? Kaw is dying on the vine like rotten fruit .. Devs either can't or don't feel the need to fix anything .. Btw seems the while bone dragon and scrolls roll out is a total flop .. SHOCKING
  2. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    I told you earlier Steph . You didn't believe me hahahahaha.
  3. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    There is room for mid builds. Hell, i warred yesterday with 2-3 mids on my team. I don't see the problem there. Just build some towers and you'll be anle to war. Stop blaming hansels for everything.
  4. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    @ irawh
    I have a midfield ish war build and I've had 4 odd wars out of the last 6 I've done where it could only hit 1-2 builds. 1 where it could only hit no one. At least not successfully. Opponents had stack a few lb players with gh and as such almost everyone couldn't hit.
    Also had the ps nonsense where you can't attack anyone and they leave the warring to 1-2 lb players. It's near enough tag team lb battles anyway.
    And who needs to nerf a build when you can make everyone pay a minimum sensible amount and dq anyone that signs up without at least one attack build. Problem solved
    New players can war together in small stat clans as gh without forcing everyone else to stack the rosters.
    Never know. Might even get some action out of it than foregone oh it's them we have won/lost at matchup.
  5. I'm definitely not blaming hansels for anything. I'm blaming devs for annoucing a change that really never came.
    And s1nful, go check wc before a war, and see what builds people are looking for. Then come back to this thread and tell me it is as easy for a mid build to join a war as it is for gh / sh
  6. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    I'm not saying it's as easy as for hansels/big builds, but it's perfectly possible. Some builds are better fit for wars, some are better fit for wars. It will always be like that.
  7. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Arent there supposed to be hit restrictions on these wars?
  8. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    S1nful you have no clue what you are saying, Iasmain I agree with you completely!! How long did that build take you, like an hour maybe? It's stupid that you are able to war anywhere it seems like instead of middle attack/hybrid builds who are being left on the curb. If you have looked at any recruitments for successful war clans, it's only huge attack builds and small hansels that are being accepted. Heck, even my own war clan is now doing that since that is the only way to win nowadays. Something more needs to be done, cuz obviously what they did is not helping middle people that have spent loads of hours on our build and are not being accepted for these tiny little guild hansels.
  9. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Not all the time
  10. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    At the end of the day, it's not the devs fault. It's those clans who did not want you to war. Lol n keep cool if can't war. Look for clans who accept you or similar ppl to form a regular war clan. Problem solved.
  11. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Dub, i do have a clue of what i'm saying and i did spend longer than an hour on my build. If you have a mid attack build, and no one wants you for war cuz you have no towers, then that is your problem. Grow more.

    Now all of you people are complaining that there are too many eb fairies, but when low level builds want to war, you all go screaming it's unfair -.-

    Hansels are no good anymore in ebs, since they are nerfed. They are pretty much only good at warring. You wanna take that away from us? You think that will solve your problems? Guess again. There will ALWAYS be builds that are better at warring than other builds. As there will be ALWAYS people like you whining and whining and whining about it.
  12. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    They aren't saying that they are saying u should be warring with guys ur own size against guys ur own size
  13. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    That would be very boring for me. I love ko'ing bigger builds than me

    It's a good thing various build sizes can war side by side imo. I learn alot from meeting higher up players in war
  14. Pointless even responding to s1nful honestly it's like you are trolling lol.
  15. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Sinful you sounds very uneducated on this matter. You eat you own words by saying things like "you only want lb wars" and "this let's small account war". That's the whole problem chief. Only lbers and accounts that can be made in less than a week have a chance to war with these chaos system.

    After season 1 pretty much everyone knew towers are needed for war. Look around, most people have them now. Again something you know nothing about.

    And as I peek at your build an your eq it's quite easy to see you really have no clue what you're saying.

    Move a long silly boy
  16. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Nah, i'm just reminding you all that it's a game. Stop whining, start playing.
  17. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Herb, note that i came back 2 weeks ago after being out for quite some time (back when there still was pwars and such). Therefore, i still have to catch up on eq and bfa.

    And no, what you are saying is not true. Mid builds are not as good in war, but they can still war. I see plenty of clans accepting them.

    And abt hansels bein preppednfor war very fast: i don't know about you, but i don't want to hit ebs till i'm hlbc before i can start warring -.- the only reason i do ebs is for the eq it gives.
  18. Agree OP, but actually addressing the issues with possible solutions that are thrown around daily seems like a lot of work. There would be less time to develop eb gimmicks and to post gifs of random stupidity, which IMO is better than improving the war aspect of a war game.

    Concise version: sh can stack trills in BFA after match compromising initial hit ratio calculations to make themmatch: win
    Seeing BFA weighed less than bfe in match calculations: win
    Seeing all raw stats globbed into a ball and divided out to make a match: win
    Only being able to let certain people war or face immenent mismatch: win
  19. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    Hmm sinful... Sadly gh can and will get best equipment possible with the least amount of effort and skill due to the current system aka gh/bigs are only viable builds for ee if u want to win.... And........... They win alot at a high percentage because the system is screwed up......
  20. Re: s3=sh/gh lb

    It's not just LB players, although they help, tank builds are need too.

    The thing is that many people have an aversion to towers and wonder why war clans don't want them. Hansels can be useful but need massive static defences