S3 / Roster Stacking and GH/Sos1 Issue

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Thanatos-Korgano, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. What happens if someone brings a bazooka?
  2.  That hiney is one smart cookie.
  3. I'm gonna agree with Station on this one. Top 30-40 on the ally lb throw in 2 more large builds and 8 sos1 hansels and voila it doesn't take skill or speed to win. You just got nuked.
  4. Please try and do that and tell the result. Will it be as simple as that roster making.
  5. @zattoichi

    Um, yeah, you're kinda missing the point. With 11 man rosters you could do that....kind of. (Not everyone can convince your average ally leaderboard player to come to their clan for a war)

    But the point is that with 25 man rosters that's going to be a very hard setup to duplicate. So now it's time to make smart rosters, not just a bunch of folks thrown together to make minimum numbers.
  6. *Shakes fist* Dang you Op for your relevant thread it was indeed a nice read oan how would you classify my build
  7. Interesting. I hope you're right!
  8. All very good points and a great read!

    Problem is that the archers in your example (GH SOS-lv1) are actually shooting guns and slicing right through your pikemen foot soldiers (mid builds) and taking down some heavy Cavalry with them as well.

    In reality the GH build is and always has been a marine with an AK-47 fighting your well constructed little army of footies, archers, cavalry.... Then you just roll through with LB tanks absorbing a few swords clanging against their armor a couple loose long bow arrows scratching their paint.... as the cannon slowly turns to target them..... Then.... 

    Devs need to take away the AK-47's from the GH and give them a high tension bow that can't cut down mid builds with little to no chance of giving plunder or season 3 is going to be more of the same.....
  9. Thanatos...just a short reply atm. In medieval ages nobody chosed a weak warrior over a stronger one. You can try to justify it as long as you want. You can call it strategy if you'd like. I call it a way for pussies to stay out of big boys sight.
  10. Knight, if you would pay attention to RH season 2 roster.. You would see that RH utilise all groups. LB, big attack, mid build and hansels.

    It is not just the roster build that brings RH highest winning streak in KaW history...

    There are reasons why other similarly stacked clans lose when matched to RH.. A stocked roster not enough to win..

    Keep on blaming lb/sh1 for losing wars against RH.. Since that is the easiest way.

    I tell you a secret.. Regardless of the roster, RH will win.. Why? They/We are the best at EE with exceptional LEADERS/STRATEGISTS who does homework before each and every war...
  11. Good read,

    I have not warred much since s1 and in s1 I was in a very successful clan. Making numbers was clearly not an issue. When a clan starts seeing success there are all of a sudden hundreds of people who want to war with you. Building a stacked roaster becomes a very simple task.

    Since then I have watched the system go through it's changes and yes, I agree with the people saying war isn't an option for a lot of people. The issue mentioned is the lb/sh combo, I am pro lb in wars. They earned their rank and I don't think it would be fair to handicap them at all. I am not pro sh/gh or whatever variation of the build you are. I was that guy once. And it is simply an exploit. The only way I can see the devs changing the amount of sh and gh warring, is by changing the mith drop ratios. Give the small ass players a small ass reward. That's all I got 

  12. RH is obviously a clan filled with very veteran very skilled warriors, and have beaten all clans that have tried emulating the roster up till this point.

    But your rosters always are hanging in that 60-75% GH sweet spot - 11 man wars = 7-8 GH minimum and 25 man wars = 16-18 GH's

    1-2 spots reserved for top 50-40 Allie LB player.

    That's not exactly utilizing all builds and with 25 man rosters season 3 will give you loads and loads of super easy wins again as there just aren't enough GH's to go around.

    And good for RH - you've built and attracted the best builds needed to win in this format.

    The point really is why are we still fighting in this format? players that have played 2 years are having to war their GH Alts instead of their mains?

    Just tier out the wars already - no clan can enter with a player on war roster outside its CS tier - 100k - 5mill, 6-12mill,12mill plus.... 3 tiers of war clans - why make this so messy and time consuming

    Tiered wars would be great for new players as well!!! They could war as meat shields for once in their kaw careers - fighting strategies change depending on where your at in roster. Would give new and medium players a chance to be the "LB" player of their tier. It would also be much less work and stress trying to run a successful war clan, people are burning out trying.
  13. Hmm comparing a developers hosted event with strict rules on number of participants, possible regenerations, hit ranges and duration with something messy, uncontrollable and chaotic (pun intended) like a real war, medieval or not? However interesting it seems, it would be better to compare the Chaos wars to any (regulated) sports comeptition.

    Let's call the LB accounts adult All Star players, the SH are 5 year old little leagues and the middle build are second year high school players.

    Now, if the only rule in sports would be that the average age of each team should be within a certain range (10-14 years) then we can field 5 All Star players with 5 little leagues to play against a team of 10 second grade high school kids - both teams will be 14 years old on average. And to make it even better and more like kaw, a goal scored against a little leaguer is 1 point, a goal against a high school kid is 4 points and a goal against an All Star player - yeah, good luck with that - is 5 points. Guess which team will get smashed?

    As with any analogy, the sports' one is also flawed because it is only an abstraction. But there is a reason the sports world won't allow an 'LB'/'SH' team to fight 'middle teams' - it would make the competition unfair, uninteresting and the high school kids would stop playing.

    For kaw, different solutions are available and proposed - tightening hit range, making SH pay more, having a maximum stat difference within one team, using tiers. The solution proposed by OP - 'just' adjust your roster - isn't feasible when 80% of kaw consists of middle builds. Unless 30% of the middle builds drop their 8T build to go SH and another 20% spends $ 50k to reach LB, the majority of middle builds will be excluded in the proposed 'roster adjusting' solution - simply because there are too many middle builds compared to LB and SH to fit in stacked rosters. They could stop warring of course... Not the best solution imo.

    Increasing roster sizes is only treating the symptoms of the problem, not the cure. Yes, small rosters increase the problem and bigger rosters somewhat decrease it. It is however, not a FIX to the underlying problem. Only a bit of an inconvenience for the LB/SH stacking clans that now need more of each. ️
  14. U hate sh . U hate lb/sh .. Saying u mid player no one wanna war with you.

    So do your own war clan.put all mid player.makes more than 2-3 clan with that mid build,and u get a match.And there you automatically have your own tier war.

    Tier war exist already.EE is all depends on u-how u wanna do ur roster as a community. U dont like sh-do ur own set of war with no sh and whack each other.

    Just stop complaining and start thinking. Season 1 is really better because creative people dont whine or complaint- they make changes.
  15. @ llll_me_lllll

    If it's not feasible to adjust your roster and build a good roster to deal with this then how do you explain all of the clans that do? We got tired of warring with other clans and having those roster issues the lead to "bad matches". So we created our own war clan for our family of clans.

    We have yet to include any LB players (top guy is probably around 1000 on LB) and we specifically have almost no one with really big bfa (biggest is a GH with about 4t). We also haven't lost a war yet and we don't even have full bonus % from unlocks. It works, I swear it.
  16. Yes it works if you have the right number of kingdoms needed to field a good roster, no one is saying that it doesn't.

    It's very very hard for a clan that doesn't have a family of clans to find enough different builds to make a good roster.

    There is no salary cap, or draft in kaw! Building a winning war franchise there is no support from "the league" - if you want more parity = good matches - then the structure needs changing.

    Or just the good get better the others stop competing - numbers of those warring goes down ect...
  17. Wat clan do u refer to ?
  18. Great post! Thanks!

  19. @ Khaymens

    Yes, non-family clans have a harder time with the larger rosters for sure. That's why networking and putting in the effort is so important. Find another good clan and pair up with them. Make a group of clans that all work together. Whatever you need to do to make it happen.

    If folks don't do that then yes, you are correct that those who work and make it happen will get better and those who don't will lose and quit. But come on.....that's life. Instead of asking for handouts or changes to the system folks need to work harder.


    Our war clan is "It Burns When I EE". If you'd like to see about joining us, feel free to wall any of the leaders (me, polly, bud).

    However, if we don't work for you, another one I would highly recommend is -Art-of-War-. They have some great folks there with very good war callers and trackers. Their only issue has been making minimum rosters so if they could pull in some more folks each week, they'd be a great one to go to. Very helpful, good at teaching, etc.