-S26TR- New and Upcoming Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. i hope all who are supporting this especially u toblarone draw them in your next war then u can come back and say sorry for not knowing what u are talking about
    i just warred them n yes it is am 99.9999999 % sure thus is unbeatable unless u want a whole bunch of pure spy builds in game ......and moose is right its totally not in the spirit of ee the reason you dont understand what he meant is that u dont know what u are talking about
  2. Actually I haven't warred against them, but I have warred with them twice. I will say that the idea that there strategy stops at planning roster isn't exactly accurate. In fact they had all the normal components and instruction of most EE war clans. WC , tracker, primary, secondary targets etc.
    Perhaps the only reason they haven't needed to incorporate much new strategy is because people haven't figured out how to war against it. But once again... Lol... There is no such thing as an unbeatable roster.
    And also you should know, the idea of pure spy and LB used together Is an idea that was talked about over a year ago, when EE first began.
  3. All ill say is glad in osw didn't war this season
  4. Btw the discussion (at the beginjnng) of a heavy laden pure spy clan was put aside for the idea of guild hansels. One person in the discussion (happy-cop)wanted guild hansel because of the plunder advantage and little plunder surrendered. (offensive) while the other person wanted ps (a more defensive approach).
    I guess you could say it was actually put into practice somewhat, at the very beginning when we warred and the range was 40-60 people in EE wars. we had limited people at the beginning to fill the roster, So I would war 2-4 accounts and my kid would war 2-4 and happy cop would war 8. (Warring 4 accounts with mine of them as pure spy is chore.) happy cop was ably to get by cuz he'd use a handful of ps while he used other attack accounts and his main.
    And the concept was all hansels at first with a few attacks. (Adding more LB was happy_cop's idea. We warred with him as our only lb at the beginning.)

    **It was my understanding that EE wars came about because people complained about the fact that wars had dtw.
    Dtw meant the availability of people runnjng to dtw and continuing to fire shots from pin (while remaining untouchable to attack) didnt seem right in a war game.
    Thus the evolution of KO and the inability to hide and fire from under a certain percentage of troops.

    Btw I'm interested in discussing this topic with people that actually want to examine the history of EE wars and the changes that have taken place. Also why some of those changes have taken place.
    I was inactive for a time so I'm sure their are some changes I have not seen or are unaware of why they came to be.
    For example... Why is there dts and dtw in EE?
    Is it because people complained about guilds plunder earning power in war?
    I'd like more data on that change if anyone could fill me in on that. And if you think it doesn't relate to this topic, I disagree, it' fits right in the core of what's evolved from within this topic.
  5. Props to -S26TR- go kill all ee clans make the Kaw dev feel like poo.
  6. And since when was war fair?
  7. Based on what's been said and my limited 2 cents, there are those honorable clans who war without using any "exploits" but just use pure skill, hard teamwork, and plain fun for the love of warring. (like those clans mentioned above - much respect to them! [for strength and honor clans] ;) )

    Then there are those clans who can't win as honorably so they use "exploits" and have build requirements, thus came the fielding of GH's.. (so came the era of RH and other LB/GH combination clans. [for exploit and winning clans] :oops: )

    Since the devs haven't done squat to address this "exploit", S26TR came about designed precisely to beat this GH "exploit" naturally trampling on other clans at the process. (IMO its a slap in devs face for not addressing the GH "exploit" [for exploiting the exploiter clans] :lol: )

    So at the end of the day, we all know who the clans are that we should respect for warring honorably win or lose; and those clans that we can just acknowledge for taking advantage of an "exploit"; and lastly, for those who we can just give credit for creating a clan precisely to beat the "exploit".

    Devs created the game, the players decide how they want to play it... :D
  8. Btw I whole heartedly agree that this clan is exploiting an aspect in the ee wars. But the question is "what's wrong with that?" Meaning, why would they be considered as anything but creative and strategic people? They didn't break any tos.
    Exploits are just people taking advantage of ideas or knowledge they posses and using it to benefit themselves.
    They shouldn't be penalized for thinking outside the box and the public norm. Especially when they haven't broken any rules.

    It would be unfair, if this knowledge and the strategies acted out, were made only available to certain clans.
    But that's not the case. Like I said, this strategy was thought up over a year ago, and has been available for any clan to use the entire time EE wars have existed.

    *And the very fact that some of you believe this clans strategy/ roster is unbeatable just shows where the real problem lies.
    Some of You don't want to take the time to figure out how to beat this clans roster. (Which btw is very simple)
    You'd rather complain to the Devs and have them implement new mechanics to the wars because one clans style of fighting (legally) exploits ( not a negative thing) a weakness that some other clans have.
    Ummm I guess that means, for some of you, it will always remain as an exploit, because people will always take advantage of you, now that they know you are not willing to change your philosophies on EE warring. Or perhaps if you complain to the Devs enough they will make new rules for you.

    Kinda like how they added dts and dtw, because people didn't like how strong guild hansels were and that they could hit up against much larger opponents.

    Wait, why can't you hit their LB players? You can't even get a failed attack that kills even a little of Their troops? Why is that? Doesn't make sense. You. Should at least have that choice to hit lb players (as.a small player) and have fails that kill a minute a amount of their troops and a large amount of your own.


    And as for the "spirit of the wars" all I know is that EE wars are timed wars where the winner is determined by who has the most plunder after the clock runs out. I can't figure out any spirit of war other than winning. If someone will explain to me a different spirit of this war game and EE war system i'd like to know what it is and where it is documented by kaw so I can go read up. Until then, I will remain in the thought that everyone wants to win and get prestige and Mith.

    So in the end I guess I have questions like everyone else does.

    Mine for now:

    1) What is this spirit of the game that Moose is referring to and where can I read about it. Kaw/Dev publications only please.

    2) what exactly do you mean by exploiting? I'm confused on this terms usage here. Are they doing something wrong? And who is to determine if they are doing something wrong? On what grounds? Perhaps when I find the answer question 1) I will be enlightened more of the as see for question 2).

    Oh and comparisons between this clan and rising hawks are interesting moose , Considering that both trains of thought (ps/gh) originated from the same clan.
  9. Pretty easy to beat. Get a ton of spy def towers ...then when they fail on you at start u sit on them for the rest of the war.
  10. Toblerone, you're right when you say no roster is unbeatable, but you're ignorant as **** to say it's easy. Stacking the roster the way they have, you can't plunder off of the pure spies and you can hardly make a success on leader board players. The only way I see this roster being beat is by mimicking it.
  11. Perhaps you will think differently after strategies have been mulled over on how to beat them or avoid them. Whatever your choosing. But yes, there is an easy way to beat them. It's just a new concept that's been introduced. So it might seem a rather difficult task to overcome at first, But I have already seen a few people figure out parts of counter attacking this clans ideologies. Give it time.
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