-S26TR- New and Upcoming Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. Based on, you know, THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD "EXPLOIT", it cannot be argued that the strategy is not an exploit. It is also true that the guild hansel strategy is an exploit.

    What we are talking about here are dynamics of the game that create imbalances which are sucking the fun out of the game.
  2. My definition of exploit is making rosters others can't match, it's impossible to match zaft top if they go big, and devs definition of fair bfa match up is completely off. S26tr clan an only pull off their strategy with the biggest lbs, which is also hard to match because only so many top lbs out there. Only way to beat them would be to strip the ps during war, but then that would surely expand the osw. And I also don't blame ppl for exploiting but think devs need to do a better job providing a fairer plain field. Biggest clans every war vary greatly in builds, bfa, bfe, number of gh and total number of warriors, it's not easy to find a fair match. More can be done to prevent unfair match ups. I think most will agree close wars that come down to last few minutes to see who won are the most enjoyable. Someone also had idea in forums about having a bfa free war, I think that would be fun too try once a week.
  3. Well....moose has some good points.

    I just wanna say a few things (idc i u agree or not lol is just my opinion and a true fact at the end).

    Everyone can war the way they like or the way they see fit to win a war...u cant really blame them for it if the game allows.

    U want to go all big and nobody cant touch u...go for it!!!! Dont call out zaft for doing that if they can (pantera why u not #1 yet????)

    U want gh with bigs...go for it!!! (Errr all of kaw lol)

    U want to make trackinga little harder?? Go barcode yourself and dont blame others...(nTnF the cows allways make me laugh!!! Best barcode name ever!!)

    If u want to go pure spy? Go for it!!! While devs allow it why not?

    But one thing...and this is the truth...

    KOTFE/The Hit Squad (with ultra clan WoG and friends) r the best EE clan around!!! We accept who we are and face any opponent with no fear or any "exploits".

    True we lose some and win some...but none of you can deny that what we do its hard..and for that i say THANK YOU to all of you (you know who you are).

    Yes we can not achieve the 50 rancor level but at least nobody can point a finger at us!!!

    P.S. RH would ever be remembered for their accomplishement thats another fact and i salute them for that.

    To all clans that do ee war i hope you have a fun end of season...do your thing and if u believe isbthe right thing nobody can condemn for following what they believe its right...u may not like it but well...thats life lol

    A BIG KISS FOR ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE (i have 3) and happy kawing

    BERD IS THE WORD!!! ( Chaos reborn i love u guys too but im lazy to edit the top of my post )
  4. BERD 
    Got to correct you on a few points Berd, and you know I love you - lots of us have or are about to get level 50 - and we actually win majority of our wars you lovable numpty
    At Kotfe/Hit we pride ourselves in not using any exploits or conforming to what everyone around us is doing with rosters (and I include CR too in this) - we fight hard and accept any clan thrown at us... And its always exciting thinking of ways to switch up a strategy to see what works ... We pride ourselves on teamwork and thats the only thing we exploit is the fact we are an amazing team of warriors 
    And we have a great time too 
  5. Berd I love you man! And Vix your sexy as ever!

    Kotfe/HiT are the best at what we do!

  6. Sooo....stacking a clan for all the EE season with 25 GH and 2 LB is skill and strategy while stacking clan with PS and LB is exploit?

    Yeah, sure Moose...

    People still can't recognize differences between strategy and exploit. Useless arguing.
  7. If you noticed Rh has warred with ranges of 13 to about 21 gh when they had lower gh ranges they faced bigger people and still beat up on them.

    Chaos reborn was a 24 vs 29 or something.

    No gh for rh.

    Rh won..? That shows you that they aren't exploiting andd yall are just off your rockers.

    At least gh can be plundered from and koed, ps are invincible and therefore a very big exploit
    love u all.
    Im proud of what apocalypse have achieved so far both in OSW and EE.
  9. Yeah Berd i really respect you all for that, i have oswed with apoc and now you all are tough guys that deserve respect and i respect you all even more for your way of EE, respect to CR Kotfe and hit squad :)
  10. Don't gh game the system go s26tr
  11. No EE roster is unbeatable. It's rather simple to beat them. I guess the forward pass was an exploit in football also. We should do away with it.
  12. U have 0 clue what u are talking about toblerone. The dts mech makes it impossible to beat them.
  13. Oh btw. Whoever asked for dtw and dts in EE wars is the one who made this all possible. You can thank them. They wanted to hide from little gh hitting them so asked for protection but now they are complaining that they can't hit bigger builds than them, because of the dts and dtw they asked for. Hmmmmm
  14. And once again. Their is no unbeatable roster. Every roster had a weakness.
  15. Moose I read what you posted at the beginning of this thread. Can you explain to me what the spirit of the game is? As far as I know, the spirit of war is to win. But I'd like to know what you mean by the "spirit of the game." And after you explain that, can you tell me who is to determine what the spirit of this "war game" is. Maybe it is written somewhere that I have not seen yet.
    Also I'm not quite sure why an exploit is looked at in a negative way. As long as TOS is not broken and the same strategy is made available to all, then I'm not quite sure what the problem is.
    And if your response is that it's an unbeatable roster, I'll say, that couldn't be further from the truth, because once again, "there is no unbeatable roster".
    But I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say. It is a very intersecting topic.
  16. ^nice post
  17. Every time I read a post by Moose I feel stupider, congrats Moose on making KAW a dumber place.
  18. I like apples 
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