-S26TR- New and Upcoming Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. S2 worked an angle.
    - Top 2 couldn't be touched by most (and they couldn't touch most)
    - Romeo ( I tried to hit u bro  FAIL) couldn't be touched by most.
    - other 26 members couldn't be attacked.

    I'm not bitter. I'm disappointed in the devs match.

    I don't speak for devastation and I don't speak for other war clans but this new clan w 3 LB n 26 ps got a match with a serious ee war clan, who enjoys a good match n a hard core fight, got a match for one reason only: 3 LB plus 26 ps = big clan.

    Its ONLY 3 ppl fighting devs... Ps had No equip. No pots. Their intention in joining the war was 100% clear. Do you not understand the spirit of the wars you created?

    Devs have allowed this match up to happen for far too many wars.

    Any nay sayers who think u can just "dump troops on LB n sct ps" can try it for themselves soon enough. Your match is next.

    You will be full troops n full spies wondering why u cast or purchased xtal for the war.

    Hope we get a match against fighters next time. Hope u all do too. 
  2. My god Moose you have showed us again why you are no expert in game mechanic. How can you state that this is an exploit while GH/LB clans are not an exploit? This is just an extension of the the same exploit except that at least they are not using hit ratio to their advantage. At least you can hit majority of their roster (maybe not successfully). I think this clan has done a marvelous job of showing how glaringly wrong with matches and mechanics in EE wars. How is being sat on all war make you a top notch EE clan? The devs negligence in listening to its player base has brought about this type of clan. EE wars are dead for the normal balanced clans. EE wars were supposed to be about clan unity, but we see more and more merc clans that push out it's regular members to have space for LB's and GH.... EE has truly become the GH/LB wars... The sad thing is... What was instituted to prevent gh/lb combination is actually hurting the clans that do not use that combination even more because they tend to have better hit ratios to gh/lb clans than for a GH/LB clan to match to another GH/LB clan since the tops can only hit the tops and bottoms can't hit tops and tops can hit bottoms = poor hit ratio... Absurd... So that is what needs to be fixed... Like their clan page says, they made the clan to take down the gh clans... To show the devs how stupid they made EE wars. No amount of strategy will win you a war against such odds... Only if you build a roster that will allow u to plunder from the top.. But then because of hit ratio, u will never match them. If people want to war with this type of roster or Gh/LB roster, all the power to them... But devs should match like rosters against like roster.. Instead of pushing out all of the balanced clans... I've seen too many great EE clans leave EE to this and it's sad to see that Estocs has become a joke. Devs have dropped the ball on many accounts...
  3. Everyone has their own exploits, zaft has bfa exploit, rh the best gh exploit, that new clan pure spy's and heavy top exploits others try to jam in few gh to fit somewhere in between to avoid the major exploiters and get somone they can take advantage of in one way or another. This game is becoming more or a matching game then a fair and fun war game. I think matching algorithms were better last season but still need to be tweaked more, specially the way they are today. Or devs need to introduce some sort of substitution or extra players to balance out bad matches.
  4. all i needed to read. get out..
  5. Lol I wasn't saying this is not an exploit. But I see this as less of an exploit than extreme LB's and GH or at least equal... Might as well call Ewars exploit wars
  6. And u only have the devs to blame for that... Cuz they are too busy promoting fangs than worrying about estoc wars
  7. a clan where only your top 3 can hit and those top 3 are hitting people with potentially hundreds of tril in bfa? a gh is easy to counter, and this is the extreme lb part. gh may be op, but it is not a clan made up of 26 un hittable spys there just to make the clan get a match and 3 plundering lb players.
  8. EE. 
  9. Hmmm easy to counter... Ass a gh.. By the time u ass them down they have already made half a bil in plunder... Or u can attack them out for less than 1 mil per hit... This may not be apples to apples to the clan mentioned but exploit is exploit.. You can't call one an exploit without calling the other an exploit. Then again, I think u are a bit biased urself, being a gh and all ️
  10. I know all there is to know about the shrimpin business.
  11. iv warred once in the past 2 months dude. im not biased. an unhittable clan can not be compared to a build that anyone small enough can easily deal with.
  12. End result is the same. Both almost unbeatable. Not sure how much more I need to explain of the in war dynamics to show u that it will give u similar results either way.
  13. i will settle for this. youre dumb. every mid range ee clan uses gh, and so do we. we beat gh every war, i see your point. gh do not inta win, ever. this does.

    youre dumb. my only explanation for why you think an invincible clan is the same a gh. im done on this thread

    to clarify. gh is an over powered mechanic, and needs another nerf as everyone has said for months. gh however is entirly beatable and it happens every single day there is a war, hundreds of times. this doesnt lose. ever. unless someone messes up or gets stripped they are invincible
  14. I don't understand how you can start a thread kissing -S26TR- butt without even understanding how or why they are structured how they are.

    I'm kind of embarrassed for you. It's sad.
  15. So u are saying u can beat RH? Hmmm please let me know you do me smart guy. But what do I know about Estocs? ... I'm just dumb and don't know mechanics at all
  16. The season 2 algorithm has literally destroyed 5 top 50 str clans that participate in ee. The devs are too stubborn to admit they made a mistake. Dtw/dts was stupid to implement in these wars. Their justification for doing it was even more idiotic. They just do their own thing completely oblivious of the reality of these wars. Season 1 had nothing even close to mismatches that have been seen in season 2. I don't blame any clan for setting rosters how they choose. They are playing within the limits of the devs loose matching system. The devs are the ones that are responsible for leveling the playing field so that clans don't disband or quit warring altogether. And then in all their brilliance they do this fang thing at the end of the season. Why not wait 2 weeks??? Lets go ahead and penalize the clans who are participating in your war system even more. Lets keep them from hitting 20k fangs b/c no ebs can run for around 60 hours during the promotion b/c of ee eb locks. They already added drops in ebs that are better IMO than the mith pieces. It's like they hate ee and are doing what they can to destroy it and it's working. I don't see ee surviving after this season ends.
  17. Anarchy likes to accuse Moose of being butthurt, but I see only calm observation on Moose's part.

    Yeah, it's annoying that they are capitalizing on a game dynamic. Yeah, that's strategy. But this isn't a case of us hating the player, we are hating the game. The hit ratio algorithm causes this to be allowed, and it should be fixed. Got to any war zone in Africa and you see child soldiers. Yeah, they're small, but they'll be shot just like a grown man. We're playing a war game here. What's with the special rules?

    PS anarchy, do a google search for "exploit", you'll find that everyone here is using the word properly. Maybe... you don't understand! 
  18. btw DaKiller, good luck convincing LB to join any piss ant clan you throw together.
  19. Maybe there should be a minimum plunder you have to get to actually win. If both clans were to fall under the plunder req. (like 15b) then they would both do TVP instead of someone actually winning.
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