-S26TR- New and Upcoming Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. People, people.

    This game is called Kingdoms at War.

    Now I'm pretty sure it would be quite boring, if all people did was play with the same strategies in everything for the past four years.

    Also, I'm pretty sure in WAR, you research and develop new strategies and aim to have the best force and weaponry.

    If, WAR was anything like some of the... People on here said, we'd still be whacking each other with sticks, or in the case of this game - hitting each other with a lowland full of stables and some defence pots.

    The fact someone has a better strategy than you, and they beat you. Is not an exploit. It certainly is not bringing the demise of Estoc wars, it makes it more interesting.

    It's just a game. Everyone will be fine.
  2. Moose is one of the biggest haters in the game and he the most dangerous player cause for some reason he holds the devs ears and has a tiny touch of volunteer power .Thank heaven they don't listen to all his crack pot forum ideas.He also is a very large hippocrite.He claims how much loves 1v1 and osw than self pins 24/7 almost bot like.He cries about what he determines unfair ee practice but has a whole map of towers like every other turtle build.Moose is just mad he doesn't have any behind kissers there to invite him to play
  3. In a WAR you can hit anyone; in a WAR you don't make money. If you wanted to compare this to war
  4. I like this Anarchy guy️
  5. Anarchy pretty much said it all..
  6. you would romeo. i agree with moose, this is undoubtably an exploit. theres no debate there
  7. Really it's just a strategy and nothin anyone can do about it.

    It's how the game works. People find little loopholes to do better so everyone does it. All it is a new "trend". Look at pwars. Those were kinda cheap and lame and kinda abusing the system but IT WORKED.

    Whether you think it's a cheap strategy or not, they're doing better than your clan.
  8. The HAX0R style build was seen as an exploit… People are afraid of what cannot be beaten. So to make it fair the builds are drastically nerfed. Take the fang promo for instance, hansel builds dominate because they plunder out on ebs as compared to attack builds. There are so many ways to win wars, but what happened here was devestation was given a stacted spy roster to fight. One that they may not have had experience warring
  9. Just like Eric stated on page 1, it is beatable. It must be carefully strategized to give full retaliation
  10. GH tactic doesn't offer %100 possibility of winning, GH tactic doesn't destroy the devs purpose of making the rancor wars, what s26trs have done although is a winning tactic it is effectively cheating the system to hoard mith. The haxor build got shut down for something not too different which is why I will go with devs making a change.
  11. System blows , mechanics blow , why wouldn't people exploit it if they're allowed to? EE already ruined , they just adding more **** to the already pile of steaming ****.
  12. Everyone is forgetting the rule that a player doesn't count towards a war unless they have a troop building.

    Them dropping it after matchup (they have done it more than a few times now) on purpose to go pure spy after matchup = against the spirit of the rule

    The devs made it so you couldn't upgrade after war, now they need to fix it so you can't drop building after matchup as well.

    Problem fixed and to anyone that says it's not underhanded has no real knowledge of how to war.
  13. I may be wrong on that but I could swear I read it in season 1.... People have been talking about doing this for a while

    I know a few season 1 but they always got no match so they gave up (plus they didn't have a LB account to make it truly work)
  14. i like the idea and how clan was put together/if moose deems it an "exploit" then all other stacked clans should be looked at as well/coming on here and bashing a clan for using a certain build to its fullest potential is silly/ i applaud them as well op/but i guess if a moose says its an exploit then it must be so right? lol
  15. So much hatin on gh in this thread :lol: either adapt or get over it :roll: :lol:
  16. Oh god, stop crying. They can't plunder right? Scout the living hell out of them if you need to and make them useless, for gods sake they have only one bar you need to clear! They have few leader boards, fail bomb them and you get the plunder KO. The very few attack builds will not work well if the spy builds don't have spies. Maybe not the best strategy but only one I thought of after reading this thread.
  17. They get no respect from me. It's la clan that hides behind its lb players and lazy pure spies. Bad for kaw. Stop sucking up op
  18. ^Says the person from devastation
  19. Lol dude, you got beat. If you beat them you wouldn't be raging would you? Instead you would be saying how their strategy was a good one but failed miserably. Take yourself out of the equation cause you lost some rancor, ee and xstals and admit that their strategy was a good one.
  20. Hand of god: that strategy doesn't work. Their ps don't do anything at all in war. Their 3 plunder the 3/5 players they can hit. Pinning atk bar doesn't work. They can make 1-2b straight away and even our biggest cannot even burn 1/4 of their bar with full unload.
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