-S26TR- New and Upcoming Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Oct 30, 2013.

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  1. Call it "exploitation" but it is all within the game. They just figured out a way to bring it together to win
  2. -00-

    They warred there once.......
  3. There's no strat needed. Drop ur ATK build to pure spy yup don't even need an easy button to push for that
  4. Enjoyment in anything is unpredictability otherwise may as well just keep mwars
  5. I give them props for building a roster that almost no one can touch.
    Thst was clever.p
    Now I'm gonna push for changes, because the way in which they are gamii the system is technically legal, but it's a violation of the spirit of the game.
    Player skill needs to be factored into weather a clan can win or lose.
    Play rising hawks and you'll find the best EE warriors in KaW. Play this clan and you'll just sit in your hooves for an hour. No skill required
  6. Farm me cause your butt hurts :lol:
  7. To moose... I believe that rh could also be seen as exploiting the system, but I'd rather just call it strategy.
  8. i thought they were zaft?
  9. You got beat so what, they built an untouchable roster. Farming wont do anything, notice i have next to no gold out and 0 pots :lol:
  10. Says the noob who's head is so far up his own ass "DOES IT ECHO IN THEIRRRR"
  11. Congrats to them- great strategy/exploit.
    What I don't understand why people are yelling red flag now, S26TR discovered an available mechanic to manipulate in their favor. The same goes for guild hansels. Pillars of chaos were one of the first to use gh effectively. Some people changed builds to match, and some didn't, and lost. If a gh getting 600 fangs in an eb is fair, than why isn't this strategy fair?
  12. Dunno what you're talking about haxor but the no gold out thing can be changed pretty quick.

    Pipe down son 
  13. I hear someone raging :lol: worst case scenario you farm my alt? What an accomplishment man. Hit someone who can't hit back. Anyways atleast you finally got use your spies on something ;)
  14. Take my allies please :) I retired my accounts, atleast the gold will go to someone who can use it
  15. Shows Moose's little knowledge on Rancor Wars and the game in general if he things S26 are 'exploitive' and Rising Hawks play the system fairly...

    At least it made me laugh.
  16. the spy roster they are stacking is absolutly legal today, and they have every right to do it. 

    However, kingdoms at war is an app that is dynamic and always changing. What works today can be tweaked out of existence tomorrow.
  17. Good point moose. Its like the tower build rosters back in season 1
  18. Oh I just saw the world announcement.

    No wonder Moose is butthurt... He got beaten by a clan who dared to use a different EE strategy. How could they?

  19. Anarchy: I knew I would make very few friends by complimenting rising hawks. I prefer true skill to cheesy roster stacking, but that's just me.

    Some people resent seeing a collection of amazing talent work as a team. I can't help that lol
  20. The problem is EE was made with the eradication of turtle wars in mind. So this exploit is different in that it brings back that aspect and should more people use the tactic it will effectively undo what the devs have been working hard to build in rancor wars which is two to one hours of mayhem.
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