Russia's Terrible Economy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. ... em_implant

    Courtesy of United States technology innovation. ;)
  2. I'm an engineer, Lili. You're not gonna beat me on anything technology-related, sweetie. 

    Stick to political propaganda, Hun.
  3. that's all? Lol. U know u can't top that ss. Lol. Same company had a prosthetic leg to go with brain sensors.

    omg Russia is gonna make next bionic girl lol
  4. What do you mean "that's all"?

    We've been the leader in cutting edge brain technology since the idea was invented... by an American.

    There are many more examples of further development of the technology. What I posted was one of the early examples. There's plenty more ;)
  5. uhuh... kinda like there are space companies that can launch a shuttle but choose not to...
    American science is a has been just like American education.
  6. Now you're talking propaganda. Good job 
  7. Now u are deflecting. Best position when an argument is lost.
  8. Lost?

    I've provided examples that disproved every point you've made.

    Please keep talking!
  9. It's more because robots have replaced humans as the primary space explorers. Much cheaper to send a robot because they don't need food or water to continue functioning.

    But also because anarcho-liberal Republicans (and democrats) who have made severe cuts on public funding of scientific research since the 1980's.

    For example, the Hadron collider could have been built in the 1990's. We could have found the Higgs-Boson decades ago. But those cuts severely hindered the ability to conduct experiments. We only discovered the Higgs-Boson a couple years ago.

    Edit: also compare modern Russia to the USSR... They made countless great scientific developments. They were one of the best countries for research, which kind of makes me sad they are gone. If the USSR had not broken down, it probably would have discovered the Higgs-Boson over 10 years ago.

    It was that sort of nationalist pride that came along with scientific progress that made the world a better place. Who could build a spacecraft advanced snough to land on the moon? Who could discover more elements? Today, you don't see that much anymore.
  10. lol what examples? cochlear implant? U compared that to a device that transmits ur thoughts to computer lol. Yeah, that's competitive, bruh
  11. I didn't post it as a comparison. But you can twist the argument in any way that suits ya.

    It's past my bedtime. Have fun with your KaW thread. I'm sure you'll show us Americans how far behind Russia we are when it comes to technological innovation. Teehee

    Meanwhile, I'll show up to work tomorrow in Silicon Valley carving out the future for Russia to follow.

  12. doubtful u are gonna carve anything for Russia to follow
  13. I don't intend to turn this into a "mine is bigger than yours" situation, as that is unproductive, but this is to oppose your claim that Russia is a leader in technological development.

    If Russia were a technological leader in the world, then more computer hardware would be developed in Russia, not South Korea and Japan (to some extent, the USA, though Apple is in decline).

    I also haven't heard of Russian tech companies as large as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple. These are companies that have changed the face of the world and that have hundreds of millions, if not billions, of users.

    So no, Russia is not a world leader in computer development. Perhaps some universities are working at the cutting edge, but not at the scale of Japan or Korea (which the USA can barely keep pace with).
  14. Sergey Brin, one of the Google founders, is Russian. Do ur research first.

    and US stopped "keeping pace" with technology long time ago
  15. This is extreamly interesting, and imma let you get back to it in a minute.

    But Beyónce is the best artist of all time!

  16. i love how lili talks about propaganda and then spreads the "hurr durr muh russian mastaerace" crap.
  17. He moved to the states when he was young and attended American universities. The only thing Russian in him is the vodka he drinks on the weekends.
  18. Communism...isnt it great