Russia's Terrible Economy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Are you saying the U.S economy is good?
    m8. it's literally one of the worst off countries out there and it's gonna get worse. as far as 1st world countries go. they're heading in the exact same direction as everywhere else.
  2. Correct. Our national debt exceeded GDP for the first time in the last 5 years.

    Things in the US are getting worse, not better. And we have the military industrial complex and Wall Street to thank for it.
  3. lol they were meant to be devastating for Russian economy. Kremlin giving up its position in Ukraine would have been a successful result of economic sunctions. Guess what? Didn't work. Russia still stays true to its aggressive foreign policy. And Europe still trembles remembering 2009 gas cut off.
    Russian economy has always been independent and self sufficient. Yes, we export mostly raw resources. But thanks to "sunctions" the measures are being taken to develop that side of the economy. Like building refineries for oil.
    And when that is done, and US realizes that it can't do a thing, who do u think gonna cave in first? Russia? Or US whose economy depends on China?
  4. I will say this, though.

    Russia is good at control, but not at growth.

    The US is fertile ground for creativity and innovation. This has been both our greatest and worst trait.

    Russia can't deny how much it has benefitted from American development of spying technology. The United States handed the surveillance state model to Russia on a silver platter.

    And when Russia finally invades the US and takes control of our intelligence operation, not a single soul on earth will be able to hide from its omnipotence.
  5. I disagree. American education is one of the worst atm. On top of that US is promoting race over talent in the name of washing off slavery sins that happened over 100 years ago. Both factors stumble the development of US technology. It's becoming outdated and not as competitive anymore.
    Just to rub it in again, Russia is in space. Where is shuttle?
  6. Lili, please just stop. You and I both know the US retired it's shuttle program because it's over 50 years old and expensive. We could have continued it but why? We have shifted our focus to allow private corporations to take on the risk of investment and devemopment of new space exploration methods. We have at least half a dozen space companies right now who are capable of launching successful space missions and docking with the ISS. So please don't go there.

    As far as technology development, what innovative technology has Russia contributed in the past ten years? And how does that compare with innovations that have come from the United States?
  7. which innovations from US are we talking about?

    and yeah.. space companies that can, but never actually did lol
  8. Take your pick. We've developed countless technologies.

    Fiber optic telecommunication, cell phones, the Internet as we know it, solar panels, nuclear bombs and power plants, and semiconductors.

    I can keep going.

    As far as companies not going to the ISS, that's because Russia can still get us there cheaper. I'm not sure if that's because Russia has better technology or lower labor costs.
  9. The infrastructure of Russia is also quite terrible.
  10. anyways regarding "innovations"

    Russia is building mobile nuclear plants in Arctic. Should be ready by 2020.
    I don't think US has anything like that.

    Russian 5G fighter jet PAK-FA T-50 also has no analogue in the world.

    Look up mobile system "Kaskader" for missles. Its deep freeze technology makes possible to extract liquefied and gaseous nitrogen and oxygen from the air at pressures reaching 400 atm. Also no analogue in the world.
  11. Mobile nuclear plants are old technology we've had for years. See: American nuclear submarines.

    Fighter jets? You guys still work on those? We have evolved. Welcome to the drone world.

    And I looked up that kaskader thing you said. Only thing that came up was a stunt actor. The rest of the stuff that came up was a bunch of RT propaganda about some technology that either doesn't exist or if it does is so inefficient that it's not even worth publishing in any peer reviewed publication.
  12. Lol like we don't have drones. 
    Wake up, cheese
  13. If you do, you haven't made a point to make it news. Which stands in direct contrast to how you normally treat new technological and military developments. So either you don't have drones, or they suck so bad you're too embarrassed to brag about them like all your other technology.

    But let me not detract from the issue at hand. The United States is the most fertile ground for technological innovation on the planet today.

    That is an indisputable fact. And I challenge anyone to prove me wrong on that issue.
  14. Just a sub note that caught my eye.

    The U.S. Space program is developing future technology, which it allegedly will share elements of with Russia to aid the international space program.

    As for why Russia is launching and supporting flights to the international space station now, they are being paid to.
    Part of a package by the USA and others as they have the competitive ( cheapest ) option available.

    This frees nasa to focus its budget on more long term and advanced technology.

    Developments that will benefit hopefully everything.

    As much as the space race was an arms race in the past. It is now one of the areas of mutual co-operation.

    As for Russia's economic status. They have a similar problem to China.
    Limited growth with a poor population.

    The one downside to a socialist society is limited expansion compared to capitalist economies.

    Neither system is perfect. But without the best elements of both working in co-operation and governments focusing first on a self sustaining economy, the. Collapse is always linked to the growth of other nations.

    This is the primary reason that so many economies are in a fragile state and any nation is vulnerable to the failings of other countries economic failures.

    The only path forward for such nations is to increase reliance on goods manufactured and purchased at home supporting their own economies and job infrastructure.

    The current made in China products are the prime example of where so many nations have gone so badly wrong.
  15. Stanford produced a device that generates a static friction force greater than one. This allows very heavy objects to scale vertical surfaces.

    Boston dynamics released a fleet of autonomous robots that can self navigate, walk in a formation and run.

    Literally, this technology exists nowhere else in the world. Not even close.
  16. I don't think that brain-computer interface exists anywhere else in the world either.
  17. This has been around for at least 20 years.
  18. prove it