Russian Official Opposition Assassinated

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Also, yes russia would lose a conventional war. However they have the ability to send 100k troops into 3-4 seperate countries at once, and nato response would take weeks at best. It needs stopping before it gets to that.
  2. Well is what is most likely going to happen is this. The US is supposedly planning to send weapons via private contractors. Those same contractors will stay as volunteers.

    It's so complicated. So we have stuff like this. US and Russian intelligence just met in DC last week. Talking about working against ISIS and other terrorist threats. Russia for example has over 1,700 Russians fighting for ISIS. That's a high number. So we have CIA and FSB possibly teaming up, while we send contractors with weapons to Ukraine.

    I think people are working really hard to resolve this a peacefully as possible, but no one wants to give. Or show weakness. It's sick. It really is. It's impossibly ridiculous.
  3. Agree..showing weakness is a real problem.
    Chest thumping antics never cease.
    The logistics problem for NATO is what card Putin counts on.
    I do not see how force can solve the issue.

    Power Plays r tactics n usually have other ulterior motives to go with the obvious actions done.

    Trade embargo is the best action n does work.
    Though some ppl think aggression works its not very logical n hardly will an invasion help the Ukraine.

    Putin's actions r based on cuz he can do it is my opinion.
  4. Every movement forced. Is resources used. Take the falklands as a example. Are the Argentines going to invade the Falklands again? I doubt it. But the UK is forced to defend against it. So there is a waste in resources. It's attrition of resources. Rather than life. Unless of course you are in Ukraine. Sadly.

    In all reality we already have contractors in Ukraine. You can find the videos all over the place.

    It's still my opinion that we not get involved, but that doesn't pay the bills at the end of the day.
  5. Ukraine ppl r in a tough position..agree
  6. Yeah. It's not cool. No matter which side they are on. Life will never be the same. They blew those towns and cities to hell. And more will probably met the same fate.

    The Russians as well. They are supposedly taking causalities and hiding the fact. It's going to add up and come back on leadership. If we have contractors there then we are as well. We don't really cover Ukraine in our news. Even in the beginning, all the coverage stopped when that plane went down mh117? The mystery plane.

    We will never be privy to the truth on this one. Not openly and publicly. It's all spun propaganda.

    Paranoid governments never tell the truth. They just suppress information and their own people. In fear. Like Obama. And Bush. And Putin. They fear their own more than anything.
  7. Superpowers always have treated its ppl as idiots. Paranoia n propaganda is their biggest tool. They manipulate n spin doctor citizens as they pls. No govt on the planet has ever been 100% transparent nor will they ever be.
    Its commonly known as arrogance...
    The ppl r too dumb to understand or panic.
    Condescending govt lackeys of the ppl r best when spewing rhetoric n baffle gab. All of them can sell a car to a blind man.

    Tbh like it or not or agree or disagree idc but Obama seems more genuine n upfront than the previous puppets,

    Start building up Poland's military might.
    Nuclear subs to patrol their waters n Gulf of Bothnia n checkmate Russian Subs. Have a large NATO supported n funded military bases also. Plunk down a real security force near Russia. A deterrent n close by for deploying.
  8. It's official. The US is sending 300 military personal to Ukraine. The UK is 75.

    This will begin March 5th or 6th until October 31 of this year.

    They will offer medical, logistical and military training. Officially.
  9. I like the "officially". Unlike Russia who is denying any involvement. I'm not a hypocrite and come with "omg! How can you do that?". Do whatever you like! Try to conquer whatever country you want for whatever reason. But man up and admit it. Don't hide like a coward. Man up and say it "I do it because I want and I can".

  10. Hang on... The us is following the uk?