Russia Bombs Syria

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Anti-siemetic is the only thing that post is.....shame
  2. "russia bombs syria" and then the thread spinner suggests that Hitler and Mousolini were fabrications created by America. That is incredibly assanine and disrespectful all at the same time and not even related to the topic.Here is something related: Pootn's (spelled that way on purpose) recent interview on 60 mins first words were insults at America with a very arrogantly smug look on his better beleive hes baiting us
  3. The ANZAC'S are roaring to go bring it on
  4. No one can expect a fair argument on this topic in a forum full of americans. Why bother?
  5. I ask myself that question often and here's my answer:

    For every person brave enough to post, there are about 10 people who read but don't post. These discussions are as much for them as they are for the participants
  6. Is it time for WWIII?!? I approve, Bring it on, i'm so ready. #NukeWinter2015

    Russia isn't bombing ISIS per say, Putin and Bashar the lion (Syrian dictator Assad) have a defense pact, they're basically allies. Russia is now backing their new friends with military support against ISIS whom happen to be based in Syria. Putin not being too fond of the (more or more degenerate) west isn't going to play nice with the USA or NATO (he literally said he would nuke them if they got in is way) Putin backing Assad is his way of giving the middle finger to the USA and Isreal. How? Petrodollar. Without it 'murica is basically screwed, its the only thing maintaining the USD.

    EDIT:Good luck based Putin! Good luck Assad!

    LMAO!At this point some of us who know how screwed up this world is, would gladly accept the title 'Anti-semitic' with pride. And by any chance are you a JIDF Shill? or nah?

    The power of Israel
  9. By far the most interesting thread I've read through. I feel that both sides have a little wrongdoing. As stated before, the large difference between Putin's plan and the US's plan is what is to be done after IS is gone.

    I personally believe that the US should let the situation in Syria play out on its own without our intervention. For as much involvement that the Americans have had in the Middle East, I don't know if much good has resulted.

    Looking back in history, they Syrians have been in a war-like state for thousands of years. I don't believe that we as Americans can even begin to change that. We are on the verge of fighting a war with no reward.

    ~A Concerned American
  10. WORLD WAR 3 that's blow that junk up.
  11. BattlePutin Four. Only in Putinfield.
  12. Hey cheese. You will end up in one of the camps bro. Better lay low.

    The Russian Orthodox Church declared holy war.
  13. Ugh. Do you really know about Syrian history? No. Put it into context and don't twist things you know little about.
  14. ^ pretend American. Syria is relatively new in terms of being a stand alone nation. Take a early 20th century history lesson.
  15. Damascus was a beautiful city. Russia's friendship as is has been with other trading partners is weak and self serving. They are just a market place for both old school super powers to sell weapons.
    Canada's position to withdraw relationship at any level with Iran or Syria. Our government stated the Iran is the most serious threat to world piece.
    The Americans are only there to prevent Russia from getting a foothold in these countries.
    Russia is naive to believe they are any more welcome. Russia will not come in direct contact with the US but they will facilitate any upset or damage they can. They will buzz around like they did in Vietnam in migs with blue helmets but go hide when USAF shows.
    They did sell Syria 16 of the most deadly gas weapons ever made. Weapons which were to be destroyed 20 years ago.
    As the Nukes in Iran and Gas weapons in Syria ultimately are pointed at Israel if the US were not there the Israelis historically would have taken both weapon stockpiles out by now.
    The UN when giving nutz like irans Ahmadinjad they should protect the world with force or shut up
  16. Well we have big problems because our kids ( not on KaW ) are morons. The have been deceived by social media and propaganda.

    They are more like the counter culture of the 60's. The people in power now. The type of people who spit on veterans.

    They are lazy, poorly educated, worshipers of political figures, and very impatient when it comes to social changes. Another striking resemblance they have to the counter culture is that they want to "replace" the government. They are more interested in supporting enemies of themselves. With a propensity for self-denigration. Pseudo revolutionist.

    They are nothing like Generation X. Who are patient, well educated, hard working individualist who don't worship political leaders and figures. People who volunteer their own time for the better of society.

    I know there are good kids, but you are the few.
  17. Bring on the war! It's about time for some pop cleansing. Good luck