I think its possibility ww3 will start however, I doubt it will start so soon. Neither side has yet taken radical enough moves.
Commander in Chief which atm Obama. He is to weak to use the military. Also if war is needed (which it is ) the military will prevail. One thing that everyone needs to remember is our sons and daughters that join are trained for war.....sooner or later they will be called upon to put that training to use. Support USA.....make us strong again. Screw the radicals that tortured/killed our citizens abroad then celebrated. Military should of been the only option when an American citizen was beheaded.
Personal opinion. Trained to fight our enemies who threaten us domestically or abroad. How will putting combat troops in the middle east be justified? How will putting combat troops into the middle east AGAIN go over? Remember, it isn't Obama's fault for the leave. Bush set the leave date. Obama wanted to change it but Iraq didn't want to give OUR TROOPS diplomatic immunity. Besides, sooner or later, we will need to leave again. And this will start again. If we acted on every country that has tortured our citizens, we'd be all over the map.
Whatever happened to compromise. There's a great amount of historical precedent demonstrating that the removal of a head of state during a crisis (an understatement, really, for the Syrian civil war) leads to an even more severe cascade of events; take Libya and Iraq as the most recent examples. Naturally Russia wants to preserve a strategic and commercial ally. So? The West wants Syrian resources without the problem of those resources being attached to a nation-state. Neither are in this for the people and the people alone, or there would have been CTSO or UN troops on the ground months ago. I'm not saying I have a long term solution to the Syrian leadership, but to refuse the chance of cooperation against IS on the basis that Assad needs to step down is folly. He won't step down, and either way, there's a power vacuum to fill - guess what the next flashpoint will be. Exactly. Keep him there, use him, achieve whatever murky geopolitical goals you need... Then cross the next bridge. Anyone applying morals to this situation just needs to realise that argument is irrelevant. Welcome to reality, none of the powers give a ****.
You sir are what is making America a bad place to live. Extreme rednecks/nationalists like you are out of your mind. Your the same people who complain about all the shootings that happen but when gun laws are proposed, you flip out and say that it's against your human rights.
Personal Opinion: I honestly thing the heads of the Russian governement are prevoking a conflict that could end with the reformation of the USSR but in a more sucsessful and industrialized area. Allowing for it to thrive.
Wrong......I'm the one shooting the criminal. Gun laws are a mute point.....your side can't take them away. I'm the one who thinks this country was once great and can still be .....Your side thinks Europe is better.....look around Obama policy resembles it. Sorry Bush didn't publicly announce the pull out date. ITS REALLY TIME TO STOP BLAMING BUSH FOR OBAMA HORRIBLE POLICIES. Bush didn't make him do it. God forbid if your son gets captured by radical Islam and beheaded.....would you apologize for his actions or will you demand justice from our president?? Now Obama will bow down to Putin just like he has to EVERY World leader. Do you know why ? NO BALLS. Can you name the last president that had no balls in a negotiation attempt to free hostages? What was the outcome?
"All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.” Bush signed that agreement. So no, he didn't need to announce it.
Wrong Try again. This is one thing that Obama doesn't blame bush for. Roflmao cnsnews.com › article › terence-p-jeffrey
Domo you mean some what like selling arms to Iran to support rebels in South America ? Oh sorry that was Reagan but those conservatives are truly on the ball now...
What I'm saying is true. Lol. http://world.time.com/2011/10/21/iraq-n ... -presence/ http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/122074.pdf Pg 20
Regan did no wrong. No republican has and ever will do wrong. It is the will of the sheep who follow them.
So Russia has bombed an area in the city of Homs. First reports are it was an area occupied by the FSA Free Syrian Army. Known as one of the very few moderate Syrian groups fighting against Assad in Syria. Not sure how that's Russia taking the fight to IS but I'm sure Putin has some great reasons why.