Discussion in 'Wars' started by RPL_is__XEAM__is_RPL, Jul 25, 2013.

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  1. I'm just gonna point out. If we cf. we're still better then you lethal. Since you run your mouth and make up the 10% by losing when you do it most.

    Then again your so cool you got a few bil to leave someone alone while they were worried about war with a larger family. So I must obviously be wrong 

    It's not about RPL being better organized. Or better fighters. It's all of us want to win the war. ML members don't all want to be there. If our member doesn't wanna fight. We send them elsewhere for now. Whereas ML members are being threatened that if they leave they'll be farmed to reset. To make a point of that. Like we told any ML runners so far. If you leave ML. And they threaten to farm you after the war. Well do what we can to protect you. Assuming a cf is worked out. One of our terms will be that all the war runners from ML be let go without harm to them. At least that's one of the goals
  2. This is still going on? Wow this is a long osw
  3. I wasnt even going to comment, but sinking to lieing is low, i have nothing but up most respect for some of its members (hell some of you have helped me personaly) but reading half that has been posted, think its slipping away :( .

    Anyways im not one to slander or disrespect anyone so i will wish both sides a happy kaw'n and a jolly osw :)

    Samurai MU.
  4. Sky no one is being forced to stay at ML.
  5. Papa. Go look at genesis or uprising members. Act each one if they wanna fight. You'll see. I don't need to lie. I know a few of them well enough to have received requests to "not be in the war". My response is they can leave clan and be fine. So far I've heard "I can't". "They'll get mad at me". "A genesis admin said he'd farm me till reset if I do".

    RPL member leaves. We wish them luck. And thank them for all they've done so far
  6. Odd how you know my clan mates better than I.
  7. Not really. RPL has lots of ex ML. ML had a few ex RPL or allies. Both clans have interacted in the past a few times. I just happen to know a few that I've not cut off all contact with
  8. No one cares, it's a game.
  9. I might of been kicked out of RPL AND ML but I would like to say that I don't care who wins because MY experiences with both they don't back down RPL and ML don't. I root for both (yes it against logic but its a game have fun)
  10. If no one cares, there are a lot of nobodies here. Including you, since you cared enough to post.
  11. I cared enough to say that no one cares because personally I don't care though many people do even though its a game and I don't understand why people care about a game that probably made no sense but I don't care because its a game and I'm not doing any grammar because I don't care because its a game and if you just read this then that is dedication
  12. Sky you keep bringing my name into this, I'm sorry I've achieved more in terms of osw than your entire organization combined..and I'm sorry u are so ass hurt that your leader posted cf thread to me over farming your member, stop talking bad on forums and go bs k to being an eb fairy before you get my attention one to many times and I show you how miserable war can make your kaw life :)
  13. Btw oossky pinned 1sdp
  14. Sky is an eb fairy? Obviously you don't know who you are dealing with. ;)
  15. Maybe to u he's not but to me he is, I'm still smacking him around with no returned inc
  16. Ever think he has other targets? When in a war, you must follow the target for the most effective reaction. This is why RPL is more organized. They hit who they are told to, not who they have personal issues with.
  17. Lol do you know who your talking to? Anyone who knows me knows I **** little noobs like sky before getting out of bed in the mornings
  18. And any one that knows sky knows your ass is going to get handed to you on a silver ******* platter.
  19. Screw merc legion RPL FTW
  20. Lololololool, your entire clan couldn't hand me my ass let alone sky ...you guys are a joke, go back to mercing ebs...ML held their own against 46
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