Y'all realize ML has very close friends in some very big war clans all over kaw, I wouldn't suggest bringing every clan In u can to jump them RPL,that will backfire I'm afraid
Sorry, but both have saved me and my clan(s) many times, both are very good. I support both, not picking sides here. Shame to see this happen though. All walls are closed for the Mercs because of this darn war. It is very upsetting honestly. But it was bound to happen. ~Zelda~
Lol kab you being a smartass about IH? Too bad you didn't know their founder spent over a year in ZAFT carnage. And when I was there, I sure as hell wasnt making a noob of myself in forums... I hope they find this and you get kicked.
How can ML break a CF if there was never one posted in Forums? How is someone like me to know if IH called the CF or ML called it?? Should accuse a clan of breaking a CF in forums if the CF was never posted in the FORUMS for all to read. To me it looks like you are making all this CF business up, to try to make ML look like the Bad Guys. Well, sorry, but you look like the bad guys to me.
Lol papa look at his owner. You think one of your members just vollied him to 26b because he is a nice guy. Or bought an almost 1 year old account that only has 100k cs? Doubtful.
I'd like to suggest this forum be renamed to RPL and everyone they've cried to vs ML because last I checked we're still not calling allies or hitting subs and yet RPL has Ghost Central and International Harvesters to do their dirty work. Hmmmm... @ pup u fail to mention you were sitting IN RPL where you had been all day when you were finally hit.
Ghost central. As it says. Is used for war of a family clan. It has litterly 1 non RPL family account involved. My alt. an I check it once a day to open door. So keep moaning RPL filled up. We needed somewhere to place extra members. Also. Walt isn't our member is he. We didn't hit IH and drag them in. Nor did we try to convince IH to war you after a war with them (while you did) Its not our fault IH is fighting you. But we won't waste it. And regardless. That's still less clans then you have. 3v4 and 2 of our clans under 50. (One is under ten I believe. No more then twenty). I'd say 150 of us v 4 clans of you all above 50 most likely around 80 each. Complaining about our "help" all of which is people you hit or threteneded this month for being allies of RPL Lethal. Nut up or shut up little man. Go join em. Other wise were gonna start saying how ML is calling in allies. Cause your clan and IH both in same position. But we aren't whining or denying it
Oh. And our subs all get hit. Daily. And most of them want in but are being told no so far. So keep telling your little stories.
Lol lae I wasn't in RPL I was visitin alumni at GC when hit was there for 10mins lol.. You don't even know what's goin on.