Hand of nothing. How can you call lady an eb noob when she's one of the greatest war commanders I've ever had the pleasure of waring with this year that led us to kill worms 2x and many more respected clans in a row at their pinnacle... Can't spew random garbage when you don't even know her noob. Sigh.
LMAO. Led you to kill worms, is that right. Well, maybe if you have the slight advantage, a large advantage sorry, you'll win.
Hand of nothing? Possibly the worst insult I've EVER heard. Oh hey, look it's HELL--NOTHING! Please tell me how you make these amazing insults
I based lady being an EB noob over the fact that her statement on this war, is that clans will fails EB's. bahahahaha
Lol how come? Are they having a real good go at each other? They didnt pick a good time to war... Day after update. Also i love how people are like "HOW WILL WE FINISH OUR EBS?????".. do warbeast
Because of what I know, which isn't meant for forums. But trust me, this isn't like it was for the Osiris and the Os mercs.
Because she cares for others that she has no obligation to do so, you decide to call her an eb noob? Seems legit..
Hmm is there another reason for the war which wasnt given? Personal reasons Denial, you always know all the inside information
Lmfao hell raiser, if you care for more about clans failing EBs over a little skirmish, you come under the fairy category.
I hope you know how idiotic you sound. sit down talk to lady for an hour if not less and I wonder if you'd still be all huff and puff