Discussion in 'Wars' started by RPL_is__XEAM__is_RPL, Jul 25, 2013.

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  1. I don't believe either of you have the authority to request a lock. But pup 
    However since requesting a lock on a thread could be considered flaming I recomend you leave (I can't ask you officially). Because if not I believe I will ask Xeam to make a request that you be forced to stay off the thread. You may not care now. But I'm sure latter on you'll regret it. Espically since you'll be forced to respond after I post this with some garbage insult at me But who knows. Maybe someone will see it first and tell you so you'll calm down before posting and wont
  2. Ohh sky u just jelly i stole your boyfriend and lae didnt request a lock thread she said so they could and who gave you authority and way sky are you a forum mod i dont see orange in your name or any kinda color insignia hmm as long as were playing fake mods. Sky i think you should leave this thread or you could get banned
  3. ^When single cell organisms duke it out
  4. Omgredh are you hitting on my assassin cause i am todez single liek you said we can be kaw razy togtherz omg im so haaapppy
  5. Hey i kill cc whynot forums lol
  6. :) you did it again wow your good
  7. Im bored one of y'all recruit me
  8. Heather you say your not active and you unstalled the game but your still on it and who ever said you haven't had outside help thats bull as memebers of rpl have been hit by a non merc clans so stop talking crap if you ML think your gunna make us RPL leave mercing then your wrong we are not going anywhere
  9. *facepalm* why did I even read this
  10. TWERK IT PEEPS
  11. A8: Stay off this thread. You are not involved! 
  12. Xeam greAt discription on WaR bUt tHiS IsnT A wAr All tHaTs going on here is a bunch of people clicking buttons on a screen and then talking bull on walls and world chat. That's all that's going on honestly.


    Pfft osw my rawr
  13. Is this war still ongoing.
    Y'all gonna miss season 2 ee.
  14. Down with ee let's osw 
  15. Can i request lock on this thread from order of an rpl owner.
  16. what's a merc? :lol:
  17. Why start a forum just to lock it here's an idea don't make forums
  18. I'll say this and say it now got a problem with mommy2hotty she's a woman wanna talk trash I'm a man talk to me
  19. That was...beautiful
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