Discussion in 'Wars' started by RPL_is__XEAM__is_RPL, Jul 25, 2013.

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  1. Before you start accusing RPL of things, you should learn to form a proper and correct sentence.
  2. Why would you noob rage about someone as a Person or about their RL on a tap game, just because they going to kick you're ass.  This is why lae didn't want you all in forums when IH was hitting. You are the type of player that gives ML a bad name. Lae, dae, and a few others are actually pretty cool..
  3. That's bc you are trashy heather:)
  4. Its amazing how so many people place blame on a game or the people playing the game on how they were talked to while in another clan, as if we could control what they were saying. I think before u Say RPL allowed them to talk that way you should think back to what you were saying that made them call you that. If I remember that night I think some people may have had a few beers and may have let there mouths control them. But then again I guess RPL is to Control everyone in the game and there actions right Heather. :p :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Once i asked a ML clan to send a few mercs to help with a system war, they replied and said we only help with ebs. I asked them what kind of mercs do ebs so they proceded to block me and hit me a couple times. Now i have a never ending hate for ML!

    Support to RPL
  6. Support to ML, had some great times there! Never heard of rpl, is that short for role playing losers?
  7. ML? Never heard of em, does it stand for Might Leave?
  8. Before I was in RPL I was in a clan, We didn't know RPL existed and called upon ML . We shortly saw they came into CC talking loads of trash, leaving ML wall art in bio, and changing members titles. ML is a band of hooligans and RPL FTW
  9. Why were they given admin?....
  12. Rpl does not suck ml started this crap because of pure jealousy I think it's funny people even take up for ml much respect to all rpl ml you don't deserve done
  13. Go ML! The best merc's in all KAW.
  14. Best mercs in kaw wtf ever I highly doubt that rpl first to show last to leave ml last to show first to run away
  15. the war is fought in the news, not on forums. i say let the stripping begin, Bad form having to go to forums about war. Good luck to both sides
  16. The sad thing over this war is that its not RPL and ML is at war, its that many clans who used the merc services are failing ebs now because of this war many people will suffer over this war. :/
  17. I think it started when rpl went to my clan and ml started hitting them, Support to RPL
  18. RPL getting mad respect
  19. LADY- you EB noob. Please be quiet.
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