All boils down to arrogance of ml and petty jealousies of laelyr because another merc clan is here and good at what we do and we do it with respect of the clans we help and don't lord over them that we helped. Everyone needs help at one time or a
This thread is pretty stupid tbh. When I had my guys at International warring Mercs Legion, we ddnt need a thread to tell why. Even though there was no reason just to have fun. Didn't expect this from you RPL. On a side note, International Harvester are stalking and tracking TZ's on their new prey as I type. Keep your eyes open KaW
This isn't a thread declaring war. This is a thread talking about war, and that it's between merc clans, and is letting the public know that these mercs are unavailable.
RPL don't run when hopes in the EB are lost they keep fighting until its done or if it fails. Support RPL.
Who are ML is that the merc clan that always runs when things get tough lol there a joke UM-RPL ARE THE REAL MERCS
ML ignored and abandoned our clan when we met their wall's standards because we were deemed insignificant and unimportant. They've also abandoned other clans I've visited multiple times. No support to ML, full support to RPL.
Invincible. "ML abandoned" you. It isn't their place to save you from an eb. Your fault for runnin something you can't finish. Jackass.
True mercs? I was RPL I got called trashy in a clan no one stood up for me at all...that's how you treat "family" yeah ok especially when their owner is constantly having a heart attack over a game and all their "hot naked mercettes" are fat nasty old ladies. I've send pics so I know its true!