Why would we waste time trying to zero you? We got better targets to hit rather than noobs on forums who think they are the ****
And Egan you tried hitting many times and have up after continuous fails so don't pretend you got more important things going on
Look, lethal, either stay on topic, or shutup and leave my thread please. Keep this on the war.. Personal issues go in pm
Uh oh the little merc union can't handle the heat so they fall back to the old plz leave my thread lolololol
Forum fighting and osw are different, though they do have similarities. One thing they DO have in common is that you cant do either one properly.
I have a suggestion for um RPL, put your war on hold with ML, just focus on me, once you've mastered handling one target as an alliance, then try osw....remember ebs no hit back, this is different
I was consider that... Oh wait, nvm lol. We can take ml and little losers like you just fine... But I appreciate your concern
Why would we hold our war with ML We aren't doing badly? If you want to change that to "I'm better then ML all by my lonesome cause I'm spezial". Then do so. But I'm not responsible when your "friends" kick the crap out of you for it lol
Sky they would have plenty of man power to kick my ass bc you and all the clans u all have cried to arnt making a dent
I'm sorry...did I ruin u alls little ML basking thread? Sorry ML dosnt like for it's members posting forums alot but fortunately I don't serve anyone so I can post as I like,,,sorry if u all arnt having free rain with this thread bashing ML even though your not doing any real damage to them in the war