Lol you talk about other peoples sins, that's fine and dandy here because the only judgment that is of ultimate concern is the final judgement made by our father. Your argument is bias and filled with unadulterated opinions. You therefore lack the capability of maintaining a factual debate because you are unwise to the knowledge of what you speak. Therefore what you say really doesn't matter. Make your claims and pass your judgement as we all have the free will to do as we wish. It is the actions we make on earth that give us eternal passage. You are proud enough to talk the talk of being a child of God, but are you brave enough to walk the walk. I certainly hope so. Good day and God bless!
Thank god, don't come back.We don't need women running around acting lime imbeciles here in fan fic. You dare to call my replies invalid, while yours makes no sense at all. Hahahahahahahaha.