Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Lightning-Bolt (01), Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Tiffany, you aren't a Christian, so how do you know who is a true one or not? Hmmm, you don't do you?
  2. No offense but the bible says you can't marry someone who is not a follower of Christ.
  3. I'm gonna invade on this little argument :)

    Tiff, you are running away from the debate. Its a bit like being in denial, and it shows that you KNOW that you are losing.

    I'm totally backing up feth. I too am a Christian.

    And iZ, you're just hilarious mate :D
  4. You know this is a story. If your not participating then leave. And you know I don't give a care about your bible. My husband loves me, that's all that matters
  5. WTF?? How is a story an RP????
  6. Hulk says religion is ****** up so I made my own cult the end
  7. Ha ha very funny hulk.

  8. It's a role play story where we create it as we go. With each persons post the story changes, will ya join us?
  9. Um I think I know what an RP is.

    And no, I won't 'join you' thank you very much.

    Goodness, people these days.
  10. Well then why did you ask? I was simply offering, no need to bite my head off.
  11. Oh my gosh.

  12. Hulk says why am I talking in third personīŒ¶
  13. QBT says I don't give a damn!! Haha jokes :)
  14. Wait I thought this was a rp I wanna be wuff!
  15. QBT... NOT funny :p
  17. Please ban me! U know I'm right tho
  18. Just gtfo and I will see u in hell u SINNER!
  19. Just stop! Stop!!!!!!

    Man you all are all the same! This is why I turned atheist! Because of people like you. Im done goodbye. I can't handle it anymore
  20. You bypassed with the gtf* too!