Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Lightning-Bolt (01), Aug 1, 2011.

  1. You know what. I'm gonna get this out: I AM ATHEIST!!!!!! So I don't care what your bible says, and I listen to what you have to say. Doesn't meant I have to follow it. Again, if I wanted to waste my time helping others write then I will. You can not judge me for it. For it's not your time.
  2. And I am much wiser than you are kiddo, wisdom comes with experience and age. Which I am both your superior.
  3. ༄Atheism and wisdom have no place in a forum. Even the lame can usurp the wise because of the attributes of a forum. That being said, there is nothing wrong with quoting the Bible. Besides being a religious book, it is also a book of advice to help live out one's life. And most of it's information still holds true after thousands of years. Nothing wrong with using the bible for advise, so don't be hating on it. Nonetheless, I don't see why you would use those reasons in our argument, it'd be better to rethink your statement and come
    up with a different one.༄

  4. Tif, your low IQ is amazing.
  5. @Featherhunter

    I tried to have a private discussion with you about this but you were rude and insolent.

    You can troll chat rooms all you like but do the rest of us Children of God a favor and don't claim the title. It is is obvious from my attempt to private chat with you that you are not a true child of god. You are a spoiled teenager who is resting on the deeds of his preacher fathers to get him to heaven. You have knowledge but you have no faith and that is quite distressing. You do not emanate the light of God, but darkness and strife. You claim you aren't trying to share God here... but you claim God and then have a bad attitude. You claim you owe no apology to Chase or Tiff... i disagree. I do however think you owe God an apology for your poor witness. If you wish to discuss this further please unblock me and we can discuss it in private.

    The original intent of this forum i believe was a RP... if you choose not to be involved in said discussion Featherhunter please bow out and let those here that do wish to share in the discussion started have an enjoyable discussion with out your hypocrisy.

    To everyone else here... I would like to apologize on behalf of other Children of God and would very much like to assure you that he does not represent Children of God as a whole.
  6. Um no. Discuss it here. You see, when did I say I was witnessing to this atheist and whatever religion chase is? I never did.

    Being a child of god means you can look at a situation through all perspectives. I looked at it through all of them and found the one that was against another spammy rp to be the most appealing. I never did anything sinful.

    It wasn't me who started an argument. I was trying to end it, yet defend myself.

    For you to criticize my faith and claim I am not a true child of god portrays and shows how much of a child of god you are.

    The bible says do not judge others. You go back on our beliefs when you judge someone. You sin willingly and voluntarily, having no recognition of the sin.

    Each Christian makes up the Body of Christ.

    WAIT. We never established what religion we are talking about. I am a Christian. But each religion thinks they are "the children of god" except the atheists.
  7. You're one of those then aren't you?
    The type that shoots up abortion clinics. The type to kill those who oppose your views. The type that starts crusades and slaughter thousands of innocents all in the name of god. The type that condones affairs and makes excuses for preachers who have affairs.

    You sir are what is wrong with religion as a whole. You use it to shield your own bad behavior. Yes i am calling you out and starting an argument but i have the strength of character to admit it. I am getting in your face and calling out your supposed faith. I detest Christians such as you, you can behave poorly then claim they weren't trying to witness so they have no culpability... as a 'child of god' your entire life is a witness your every action is a witness. Honestly i'd rather Chase and Tiff see someone of your own faith calling you out and calling your wrong so they and the rest of the Atheists and heathens see that not all of us Christians agree with your narrow minded bigoted points of view.

    But to end this argument, you are right... you're so much holier than all of us and beyond reproach... perfect even. Enjoy your life.

    The rest of us... down here in the mud and muck of real life will muddle through in our imperfection. Personally i would prefer the company of the atheist and heathens than your particular brand of Christianity.

    Hey Tiff... i would very much like to hear your input on RP and your suggestions.
  8. As would I tiff. Ty lawndart.
  9. Um dude. If I didn't say I was that "type" of christian, then why are you saying I am. You are lying. Another of your many sins today. But I won't judge you.

    You starting an argument is showing what type of Christian you are.

    You either are a christian or aren't. No brands, no types. You are starting to seem like you aren't.

    Humble yourself and recognize who controls everything. His name is God. His son is Jesus of Nazareth.

    You dare try and suppress me by not allowing me to express my opinion.

    Calm it down, and go somewhere else because we don't need people like y'all in Fan Fiction.
  10. *SIGH* FeatherHunter, I already said you're right, you're the holiest one here, you're a preachers kids, you are perfect without flaw. You win you are not worth the effort. Shoo troll elsewhere.

    On that note...
    Lightning bolt you look to have started this topic, right? What do you have in mind? Personally i looked at Tiffs suggestion and guide... and there is merit there. What say since you started this we jump back on the original topic... RP and move forward? Honestly I suck at coming up with new ideas so if anyone would like to start something off maybe we can get a collaborate effort going and see where we end up?
  11. No my dear child we do not need others who are trying to shut down creativity. And my choice on what I believe is my own, you can judge me but what does your opinion matter to me on a choice I have made. It matters not, and I have a name thank you. I am not "the atheist" or "it" if you call me that then it is true you are not a true Christian. For believers do not judge others but accept and love others. My husband loves me for the way I am, even if I do not attend church with him. He is a true Christian, for accepting me for my personality and beliefs. He does not try and change who I am but embraces what I am.

    If you so say you are a child of god then you would understand when I quote this

    "Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Matthew 7:1)

    I am not judging you, nor am I judging you for your what for believe.

    "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks insult"

    You cam insult me for whatever but I will not care. Now leave so we can be creative and create art with our words. This is a role-play story not time for a debate. So I guess I'll start

    Name: Tiff :)
    Age: 23
    Sex: female
    Hair color: hazel
    Height: 5'7
    Other: I work as a analyzer for a computer company, I am a lonely woman with 2 dogs living in an apartment. I drive 30mins to work one way, and I absolutely hate it. I do not like cats, and I don't like parties.
  12. I am wuff the talking dog
  13. Lol ok wuff. Gonna need some more info

    Fab activity:
    Fur color:
    Eye color:
  14. Name wuff
    Age 21(dog years)
    Likes saying wuff and kicking ass
    Dislikes other people saying wuff and pansies
    Favorite activity scaring pandas
    And has a rhino skin armor thingy oh breed labradoodle
  15. Cool, are you my dog? o_O
  16. Fur color black but greying fur and a little red around the muzzle
    Eye color hazel but other eye has been torn out
  17. Whatever if I am your dog then I am your dog
  18. And since I saw religion on the page before this one I'm a muslichrist hindijew
  19. I won't judge you on your religion I promise
  20. Sooh when does this start wuff needs to whoop ass