Round Wars..the Saga of the Exploit continues

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. As in walk da walk n talk da talk Spil? 
  2. Correction 37m cs hybrid....currently cr 54 @Retribution if ur curious
  3. Just give us a 3am pdt indy war and replace round wars with indy war. This will allocate the two points and mean more participation in primals and more chance for indy warrers to get medallions
  4. Go back into ur coma

    1/2 the wars already r Indy Wars n Round Wars used to be Primal Wars. How u ever figured Primal Wars would be helped by having more Indy Wars makes no sense.
  5. I think stackin wouldn't b an issue if devs were able to match stackin clans w each other - this would allow non-stackin clans to match each other.

    I also think a possible solution:
    - devs divide clan rosters in 3 sections (1-7, 8-16, 17-24) to b used to compare clans 4 a possible match
    - for 2 clan to match for war, all 3 sections must b in a compatible hit range (bfa, bfe and main stats).
    - this would cause a clan warrin w/ no lbs to b less likely to match a clan warrin w/ 2 lbs
    - and this would cause a clan warrin w/ 5 sh less likely to match w/ 10 sh
    - this would also encourage ppl to war w more mids
  6. Participarion would increase for primals because they would be the only clan wars and since they worth double we would have better matchups. It would also allow ppl who do indy only more of a chance to get mith and medallions with an extra war
  7. Support! Everything Hawk has replied to. It's just the way wars should be ran. We need more CS% eq available!
  8. Primal wars are stacked too. Quit crying. Blah exploit blah. Any build can be argued an exploit. Dont like round wars? Ignore them. A noob clan casts in round wars they will be crushed, you cant tell me they have a better chance when they matched stacked roster of huge tanks and ps
  9. Support get rid of round wars.
  10. Round Wars, will not be removed. Devs, could turn down a medallion on Round Wars. Why more Primal Wars? It would make sense, that if only if Round Wars has to be removed to be replaced with an Indy War.
    Not all builds are accepted into Primal Wars, but all builds are accepted into Indy Wars.
    Who benefits from making an extra Primal War, not many.
    Who benefits from making an Indy War, lots of players for the reason being that lots of players participate in Indy Wars.
    Like I said, earlier though. Doubt that the Developer will take away Round Wars.
  11. For starters it was 50/50 Indy n Primal Wars n 7 primals replaced by Round Wars. Also all builds r used in Primal wars. U need find a clan accepting warriors or create ur own war clan.
    See Acta Diurna for war build breakdowns
  12. Round wars need to be gone.
    I made the mistake to participate in a Round war last week. We had a decent roster going from 30M Cs to 10M Cs for the smallest.
    We faced 4LBs and a shît load of Sh.
    It was a total waste of time.
    Our WC & tracker did a great job, and we probably even had the best strategy... We got smashed by 12B.
    ROUND Wars is not about strategy. It's about building a stacked roster. There is very little to no strategy behind it during war. Whoever will say there is a lot of strategy in Round Wars to justify them is simply abusing the system for its own benefit.

    Where I differ from Moose point of view is when he says that he wouldn't mind to have them there, and that no one is forced to do them, it's not really true...

    Until now, I have done 0 Primal wars. I'd love to. I can't.
    I live in this part of the World totally ignored by ATA: Australia.
    We have no wars between 2pm and 11pm, which means the only war we can reasonably do are during the weekend. Here is the schedule:
    Saturday 8am: Indi
    Saturday 11am: ROUND
    Saturday 2pm: Indi
    Sunday 11am: Indi
    Sunday 2pm: ROUND

    See the issue here?

    Some will argue that I could wake up at 6:30am on a Sunday morning to participate in a Primal war (but they wouldn't do it themselves).

    These non-sens ROUND Wars need to be gone :!:
  13. Op if I remember rightly you was a big supporter of round wars return. Even though ppl who know the system told u they would suck. Hows that humble pie taste? :lol:
  14. All I see is salt..with a dash of no balls.
  15. Support to remove round wars ️
  16. I was scheduled to do 2 round wars, but when we couldn't get the mix we wanted, we gave up. No point in being appetizers for the LB.
  17. Whats so hard? Copy the good roster or just dont do them its simple, you dont like do the other 2 tyepes of wars, currently this set up is best, cuz everyone gets what they want.
  18. I think you misunderstand my position, so I'll try to clarify it, as I think its Important.

    I disapprove of the round wars and want them gone too. The round wars were deemed as "broken" which is why we now have the primal wars and the Indi wars". I don't think ATA should be running a broken system in a slot where we could have legitimate wars. Players are losing out on the chance to get medals because of this.

    From what I saw, when the broken wars were pulled, a very very small group of people complained in forum, and the devs decided to reintroduce these wars into the system in a two week trial basis. We are now rapidly approaching the end of that two week time period.

    From my perspective, the only reason to keep the round wars in place is so that the people who were heavily invested in exploiting the system can still do so in a regular basis. That is my personal perspective.

    Currently, the devs have a different stance. I believe they are trying to cater to a very specific group of people who were regular participants in these types of wars. They are trying to do something for everyone. I get that. I just don't agree with it.

    I think that the round wars are now even more wars for the super elite SH and LB. At worst, It looks, to me, like its a way for a very small group of elites to get a free refresh on their edge by stacking for a no match. At best, its a way to ensure that some people never ever grow in this game as they Hoover up two medals per war that aren't really earned. I do not see any potential for round wars to grow, and I don't see any Benefit to the community at large from them. There were deemed broken, which is why they were removed. I think they need to remain in the rubbish bin for all the afore mentioned reasons. I think that if the few elites that want these round wars need to step up to the plate and actually war like the rest of us commoners. No free lunch please.

    Anyhow, that's my opinion on things. This Friday will be the two week mark, and I'll see if I can find out what the devs plan is. They said that if participation is low they would scrap these things, and I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    If they fail to scrap the round wars, I will still play, and I won't raise a fuss, as that accomplishes nothing. However, that does not mean I approve.

  19. Ahem.....
    I told you so!
  20. Very well Moose, I then totally share your view on this.
    I sincerely hope the devs will stop these none wars and put everyone on the same level.